full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon surgery

Full-thickness tears of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons at their attachment site with retraction of torn fibers up to the lateral aspects of the acromial process. Any suggestions? @anonymous: Hi Donald, I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder trouble and insurance situation. On the other hand, physical therapy can often help supraspinatus tendon tears but sometimes they do need surgery in order for a suitable recovery to occur. bested on all of the above. If you do opt for surgery. Good luck with it. . Poorly defined large full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon measuring at least 2 cm in anteroposterior dimension. Best to have a chat with your doctor. Some people will say that exercises didn't work for them, but it turns out actually doing the exercises (rather than just thinking about them) drastically increases the chance of them being effective! There is certainly good clinical research evidence indicating that arthroscopic surgery can help the types of injuries you described. I have not returned back. Sometimes the success rate of a second surgery is not as high as the success rate of the first surgery but still much higher than any other alternative. In the case of a non-retracted full thickness supraspinatus tear and acromioclavicular degeneration, surgery may well be the best option to maximize the long term outcome. What little I have done has given me improvement. Rotator cuff exercises will usually be important for anyone looking to return to a racket sport following a supraspinatus tendon tear or shoulder labrum tear (or even someone looking to prevent those injuries). I agree that shoulder pain for years, that has not resolved is definitely a good indicator that seeing a doctor is a good idea! If you are seeing the orthopedic surgeon it is a good idea to tell them about therapies you have received and about your persistent pain. make sure you do it some place where anesthesiawill do an interscalene block for post op pain relief. The results showed a "partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon, with large swelling and irritation". shoulder or arm weakness. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your interesting story. Being referrfed to a shoulder specialist Tuesday. I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice about your situation, if you are unsure of which advice from your two doctors is correct a third opinion may help you make sense of it. Hopefully your orthopedic surgeon conducted a physical examination to help determine the relative contribution of the partial thickness supraspinatus tendon tear versus whiplash. This exercise can be good for pain relief, and may also help increase the range of motion in the shoulder joint. It did manage to decrease my overall pain but I still feel like I'm suffering unnecessarily. From a mechanical point of view the muscles and soft tissues around the shoulder do an amazing job to keep the head of the humerus (ball) in the small glenoid fossa (bony component of the socket)! A full-thickness tear is when the wear in the tendon goes all the way through the tendon. Infraspinatus tendon is somewhat hetrogeneous in its deep attachment with what appears to be intra-substance tears down to enthesopathic change at footprint. Either way, this kind of ongoing shoulder pain is not good. However, worse yet would be delaying in such a way that you miss out on falling pregnant or delivering a healthy baby. The classic full thickness rotator cuff tendon tear involves the supraspinatus and then progresses to involve the long head of biceps, followed by the infraspinatus and subscapularis. It will be worth developing a good relationship with your doctor (and physical therapist) who can help you do the right things to recover as quickly as possible. Popping noises can occur for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are completely normal. It turns out, this management approach is not terribly effective in leading to a prompt repair of the damaged structures. Because of the return of the recent pain, a another MRI was ordered and the Radiologist wrote: "1. In some cases, surgery to repair the tendon is also required. You mentioned rotator cuff and tendonosis like they were different things. Lol. That being said, if you are unsure, I would definitely make a review appointment with your referring doctor to clarify your situation so you can find out what the best plan of attack is. If surgery is not indicated, your doctor should be able to refer you to a physical therapist who will likely assess your shoulder movement and be able to provide you with a tailored program to help strengthen your rotator cuff. A full-thickness tear might also be described as extending from the anterior leading edge with 1 cm of supraspinatus remaining intact or as involving the midportion with 1 cm of supraspinatus intact anteriorly and 1 cm of infraspinatus intact posteriorly, and so forth. These types of injuries seem quite common for people who work in construction and are often associated with doing work above shoulder height. Went to an orthopedic surgeon who said I had frozen shoulder and injected the capsule with cortisone and told me to return in 3 months. @anonymous: Hi Les, I am glad you found this information helpful. Also can I try a more Conservative approach and see a phy therapist that specializes in shoulders before any surgery. I had rotator cuff surgery in May for a Small(2mm) tear In the supraspinatus tendon. It is also worth noting that some conditions, particularly when joints are unstable or there is ongoing aggrevation, have better outcomes by being seen and receiving intervention sooner rather than later. @anonymous: Hi Kazikp, I am sorry I cannot give you advice over the internet but here is some general information you may find useful. I just had an MRI I have a tiny, focal intratendon tear of the supraspinatus fibers at the humeral insertion measuring 2mm with minor impingement changes are noted in the greater tuberosity of the humerus. For awhile I was able to get my arm somewhat back to normal but wilh slight aching. It usually develops alongside other rotator cuff muscle tears, which may be result of trauma or repeated micro-trauma. As mentioned in the video, the aim of these resistance band exercises is not to increase your range of movement but to instead strengthen the rotator cuff muscles which will help protect the soft tissue structures around the shoulder in the long term. but can get back fairly good motion about the shoulder . Strengthening the rotator cuff muscles can give relief to some people wanting to avoid surgery. Your surgeon (and the anesthetist) will not want to perform elective orthopedic surgery while you are pregnant to re-attach the tendon. Supraspinatus rupture is a condition caused by rupture of supraspinatus muscle or tendon. It extends slightly into the proximal subscapularis bursa. What I really want right now is to regain enough to get through normal everyday activities and not feel limited trying to lift an object and also not drop things so frequently. What I think is more common, is two doctors not taking the time to explain something in normal everyday language and ensuring their patients have understood whatever it is they are trying to say (so lots of people feel like they are being told different things)! Good luck! I would like to get the tendon fixed, the thought of advancing an existing tear makes me cringe. I am close to retirement and I am afraid I will not be able to do the things I once enjoyed, outdoor activities. Rotator cuff tendon augmentation grafts are a promising area of research. For awhile I was able to get my arm somewhat back to normal but wilh slight aching. Keep in touch to let us know how you go. Make sure you understand their explanation of what problems are occurring around you shoulder and what treatment options are available to you. Rotator cuff tears may be degenerative (the defect arose in tendon of poor quality) or they may be traumatic (the tear arose from a major injury to otherwise healthy tissue). But shoulder exercises from now until I die. Results are as followsstudy demonstrates degenerative arthritis around the acromioclavicular joint. Approximately 1% of the adult population will have shoulder pain at some point in their lives. A rotator cuff tear may result from an acute injury, such as a fall, or may be caused by normal aging-related wear and tear with degeneration of the tendon. Needless to say, I started to feel like I was getting jerked around and not getting any realistic attention. Thanks to my hubby for finding this site. Injuries are a less common cause of partial tears than aging. 3. I have been seeing an orthopedic doctor for the past 18 months. It is certainly worth discussing a more conservative approach, such as seeing a physical therapist that specializes in shoulders, with your orthopedic surgeon; particularly if you feel you have noticed improvements previously. Many people with supraspinatus tears receive very good relief following a period of PT, but others do not. Front view (left) and overhead view (right) of the tendons that form the rotator cuff. I have always found the anatomy of the shoulder to be very interesting. I did this as instructed, but, to little improvement. I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice over the internet about the best option for your situation. That way you can make an informed decision in consultation with advice from your doctor. Some general information you may find useful is that generally not a lot of people seem to have a full recovery following a SLAP lesion without surgery. damage to the tendon without swelling). What does all that mean in simple layman terms? There are generally (at least) two main foci when considering whether to have surgery soon or to delay as long as possible. @brando87: Thanks brando87, that's what I aim for! Good luck! I have also been doing the pendulum exercise as prescribed and figured walking with the sling off would be no more risky to the staples. I'm 43 and have been suffering from shoulder issues for over a year. The recovery time after surgery is substantial (and may vary depending on the surgeon, and specific structures repaired). Thankyou. Massive. So my tear went from a near full thickness tear to a full thickness tear. Many persons with partial-thickness tears will never require surgery if they undergo an appropriate physical therapy rehabilitation to address muscle imbalances. I guess my question is does this always require surgery? The incident happened on Sept 25 and it is now Nov 10. I found it very helpful as I am sure all your other subscribers found it to be too. and retracted 2 cm. Make sure you ask the orthopedic surgeon about what to expect after the surgery and the likely recovery time. The types of findings you have described are consistent with some quite substantial pathology in your shoulder. Either way, I wish you all the best with it (and a safe deployment and return). I have spoke with people that have had surgery on their shoulder and they say that is a very painful surgery, and they still have problems from time to time with their shoulder. Good luck with it either way. @anonymous: Thanks for keeping us up to date. D.C. Stitch positioning influences the suture hold in supraspinatus tendon repair. I can say though that PT's are trained to help people with painful ROM. @DrMikeM: Thank you Dr. Mike for answering my question. 19 The thickness of the tendon at its insertion was . It was a small rotator cuff tear. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this treatment method. Should this shoulder have an MRI? If the pain has been present for only a couple of months (or less) and there were minimal risk of worsening the condition with delay, then often a trial of conservative management (e.g. You have a full thickness rotator cuff tear. Full thickness tears of the rotator cuff are described as small, medium, large or massive (Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10). I do not want a metal shoulder. @anonymous: mike but not dr. mike. This may not give immediate relief, but hopefully will show some benefit within 6 weeks. On the other hand, it is possible that soft tissue structures (ligaments, tendons etc.) It also allows a quick comparison between the affected shoulder and the healthy shoulder. Particularly about what many people are likely to experience during the often long road to recovery. Overall my subscapularis does appear intact." Even though surgery repairs the defect in the tendon, the muscles around the arm remain weak, and a strong effort at rehabilitation is necessary for the procedure to succeed. So while the cost of surgery can be expensive, people who can't do their job one-handed may also need to consider potential loss of income as well or making alternative work arrangements. Always been natural. Full thickness tears may involve only part of one tendon (usually the supraspinatus). Good luck! I went to one orthopedic doctor and he immediately said surgery is my only option. 2. mild labral degeneration. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story with everyone! He did say that it can be done in the next few months and no urgent intervention required. Good luck! Recovery after surgical supraspinatus tendon repairs will often require the arm to be in a sling for approximately 6 weeks or so, then another ~6-8 weeks gradually starting to building up strength again. So first off, I should say that I have certainly seen situations where a small supraspinatus tear has been surgically repaired, only for a worsening of symptoms to occur after further pathology (such as other rotator cuff tendon tears) either develop or become easier to detect on imaging (e.g. My question to you is why can they not try and repair the rotator cuff using a graft of somesort. is PT a good options. Acute Tear If you fall down on your outstretched arm or lift something too heavy with a jerking motion, you can tear your rotator cuff. old I was in good physical shape as a letter carrier(28 yrs) but have been mostly sedentary recovering from the first surgery. 1 Supraspinatus Rupture causes microscopic tear, major tear and dislocation from its attachment to humerus and scapula. I was referred to a surgeon who stated that they could not repair the rotator cuff due to the size of the tear from a surgical standpoint. Good luck! The specific post-surgery rehabilitation is often differs between surgeons in different regions (depending on the specific techniques they use). I am sorry I can't give you specific advice but here is some general information that may be useful to you. With a focus on the surgical treatment of reparable full-thickness rotator cuff tears, this article aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge on the treatment of rotator cuff disorders and to highlight which new aspects are relevant. Anyways, my appointment for surgery on my right shoulder is in 2 weeks.. Arthroscopic.. it use to ache and ache at night but recently its not so bad. In the beginning of 2012, I returned to the Orthopedic specialist at the VA, and the medical staff seemed very surprised that my god awful pain and discomfort was still going on. Unless the shoulder is actually dislocated at the time of the x-ray, or there is a noticeable bone abnormality (chipped or broken bone, bone spur that is visible on x-ray etc. It has been associated with older age and osteoarthritis, but often seems to occur when there is extra fluid in the gleno-humeral (ball and socket) joint. If you have been diagnosed with a partial thickness tear and begin experiencing more pain you should talk to your orthopaedic surgeon. I plan on asking the surgeon these questions, but wanted your expert opinion. When the supraspinatus tendon is torn but not completely ruptured, usually a period of conservative management with a physical therapy program will be trialed rather than rushing into surgery. It plays a critical role in movements involving the shoulder joint, particularly arm elevation. Thank you for the info posted on this page. bone spurs and/or rotator cuff tears. From the information you have provided it is difficult to say whether surgery will be needed. Good luck with it. A couple of final remarks that may unfortunately muddy the waters for you: Adhesive capsulitis generally resolves without the need for surgery, and aggressive physical therapy may actually worsen the symptoms in some cases. I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice over the internet, but hopefully you will find the following general information interesting. That is one of the reasons why surgeons will take a detailed history and conduct a physical examination to gather clinically relevant information. If you do have surgery, this would mean you couldn't work on usual duties for several months (recovery time-frames are something worth discussing with your doctor). Good luck! The researchers used a custom-built shoulder testing system to measure the effects of varying loads placed on the muscles of the rotator cuff and parascapular muscles. I've . Thanks for posting your question. For most people, it is usually preferable to lean on a bench or table rather than the seat of a chair. The supraspinatus is the tendon that tends to suffer from partial tears most commonly. In these cases often a multidisciplinary treatment team skilled in treating whiplash can be very useful (this may include health professionals like physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists and doctors). It is also worth mentioning that when surgeons send patients for PT and don't hear from them for a while, they may well have just assumed everything went well and there is no more problem (or they have so many patients that they haven't given it much thought). Grade 1 strain of the lateral deltoid muscle and teres minor muscle. Each of the rotator cuff muscles can be affected; the supraspinatus muscle is most commonly affected, followed by the infraspinatus, the subscapularis and the teres minor muscles. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I have full range of motion and only occasional soreness now and again, but can't sleep on that side. I then went to see another orthopaedic surgeon who said I have whiplash. A partial tear may require only a trimming or smoothing procedure called a dbridement. have got bursal thickening as well and mild thickening of. Having pain and sub-optimal shoulder functioning while you are nursing would not be ideal. I was instructed to ice pack my shoulder and take it easy. Hi there. For many years shoulder dislocations were commonly managed by making sure the ball was back in the socket, giving a bit of ice, perhaps some anti-inflammatory medications and putting the arm in an internal rotation sling (a sling that holds the arm near the body with the elbow bent at about 90 degrees). techniques (see details below) . i was recently diagnosed via MRI that i have a supraspinatus tendon tear. If you get a chance drop by again and let us know how you went. A good doc should be able to assess your shoulder and give you some specific advice regarding the best next plan of attack. @anonymous: Hi Donna, I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are having with your shoulder. The results are: full thickness cuff tear 2.3 cm AP involving supra spinets and a portion of infra spinets at distal critical zone and enthesis. I mention this, as this will often influence treatment decisions. While it is true that rotator cuff tears are more common among middle aged and older people, they can indeed occur among younger people too; particularly when they are performing heavy work or have some kind of trauma event (contact sport, car accident, gym accident etc.). Don't be afraid to have an open discussion with your GP about whether or not a referral to a surgeon is the right way to go (or not) for your specific circumstance. the defect measures approximately 1cm anterior to posterior and medial to lateral. It can be difficult to find good information on the web for specific rehabilitation following surgery. I am sorry I can't offer you specific advice over the internet regarding surgery or specific exercises. Supraspinatus tear can be caused by lifting something too heavy, falling on your arm, or dislocating your shoulder. I have been diagnosed with a tear of the supraspinatus tendon by exam and u/s. On one hand, I want the second opinion to be formulated entirely based on my case information (not on what another surgeon did or did not recommend). and seemed to be doing ok with Cortisone shots. Supraspinatus tears are often accompanied by adjacent structural deficits. A recent study from Kim et al 19 used en masse suture bridge techniques for full-thickness supraspinatus tears. These include: pain that gets worse at night. How is a supraspinatus tendon tear similar to a rope? The use of steroid injection for treatment of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear is still controversial. )full thickness tear of supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons both have retracted past glenoid process 2.) Some days later, I was called back to the VA so they could tell me what they found. I don't want to experience what you've gone through, but I'm currently deployed and am not getting treated. What I can say is that for anyone looking to return to unrestricted badminton following a partial thickness supraspinatus tendon tear and shoulder labrum tear (particularly a SLAP lesion) will not be quick or easy. Ongoing serious pain influencing daily life, sleep etc. A few hours after the incident, I was able to seek some medical attention from our on board medic, who believed I had dislocated my shoulder, but was not overly concerned with my condition. The radiomics model of full- or partial-thickness tears displayed moderate performance with an accuracy of 76.4%, a sensitivity of 79.2%, and a specificity of 74.3% for . There also is mild tendinosis of the infraspinatus at the footprint. @anonymous: Hi Elania, Thanks for stopping by and sharing. coracoacromial ligament. Overall, it will often take 6 months or more before the shoulder is completely back to normal. Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options. As I said been dealing with this for about nine months and in that time have run the gamut of treatment. On the other hand, you will also need to ask about the likelihood of decent recovery without surgery. Good luck! Don't even think you won't need help, because you'll need help with even the most basic daily tasks. It sounds like you may have already discussed the likelihood of success with your surgeon, if not, this would be a very wise thing to do. First, sorry for the delay in response. It is also worth noting that whiplash associated disorders are complex. Whiplash is more difficult to detect with common imaging approaches, like an MRI, than supraspinatus tendon tears. I had periodic pain and tingling running all the way down my forearm. Here are a few notes/tips before you begin: Below is a demonstration of this exercise. Although very uncommon, it is possible that the report did contain an error. I have a referral to a specialist and hopefully I will have some answers soon. This may include things like having a lesser ability to detect hot versus cold on their skin in the neck region, they may also genuinely feel pain to what would usually be non-painful stimulus. These types of pathology are nothing to be sneezed at and have potential to cause quite a lot of pain (which you probably know a thing or two about). AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice about whether you will need surgery or not over the internet. It sounds like the damage is fairly minor in my shoulder yet I have a great deal of discomfort and limited ROM 2 1/2 months after my fall. I just received my MRI report which states : supraspinatus tendon is thickened and immediate in signal, with a small 3mm (transverse) x 3mm (AP) full thickness footplate tear. program with a small packet of exercise instructions and told to continue them and to come back in a few months for an updated physical examination. Your question regarding using a graft of some sort to help repair a rotator cuff tendon is an interesting one. I am glad that you noticed some relief after the surgery on your right shoulder and that the exercises for your left shoulder have already helped you get better quality sleep. A tendon is similar to a rope and you can compare the suprasinatus tendon to an inch wide . Some can be altered with conservative rehabilitation exercises in order to prevent further tearing and ongoing pain, while others cannot be altered without surgery. It may be helpful to think of the rotator cuff as a group of muscles and each muscle is connected to the bone via a tendon. Dr Mike, Please help me understand what options I might have or questions to ask the surgeon about my full Reallmadhatter Mar 14, 2013 @ 3:44 pm. So in summary Tim, I would say I feel for you buddy. I have had shoulder pain for years and years. Degeneration of the infraspinatus tendon with bursa side fraying. Medium. Generally, if an injury is going to heal on it's own, it gets better over time, unless it is re-injured. Some will have more training, experience or ability in helping patients to overcome the biomechanical factors that can cause shoulder impingement and supraspinatus tears. With partial thickness rotator cuff tears only part of the tendon has torn off the bone. My arm was nearly frozen for a period of about 10 minutes, but I slowly started regaining some ROM. Avoiding work above shoulder height can sometimes avoid aggravating the pain. I've met with 2 orthopedic surgeons and both have indicated surgery is my best option for recovery. Also not sure how long I should wait. There is supraspinatus muscular atrophy. I appreciate your thoughts on this matter. Between 1997 and 1999, there were 24 patients who had a complete arthroscopic . I took a not so graceful fall on a sidewalk about 9 weeks ago and landed on my shoulder. Dr. Mike. If not then, your surgeon will be able to give the likely benefits, risks and recovery time following surgery. The CT impression read like this: High-grade partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon at its insertion (rim rent tear). ), a shoulder x-ray may not reveal anything conclusive. Dr Mike, Please help me understand what options I might have or questions to ask the surgeon about my full thickness rotator cuff tear. Muscular and tendinous structures including remaining portions of the rotator cuff are also felt to remain otherwise unremarkable in signal and morphology. Surgery to repair tendons generally involves a long recovery period. I am 67 years old and am an artist and my left arm which is the one in question is my dominate arm. The surgeon(s) who ordered the imaging are usually the best person to speak with regarding the pros and cons in any particular case. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Arthroscopy 1994;10(5):518-523. It would be much wiser to follow your surgeons instructions (which usually involve keeping arm in sling for 6+ weeks depending on surgery / surgeon etc. This has caused thickening and abnormal signal in the supraspinatus tendon consistent with tendinopathy and/or a partial tear. If there is a partial or full-thickness tear (but not a complete rupture) surgery may or may not be required and is best discussed with your orthopedic surgeon and/or physical therapist after appropriate imaging investigations have been undertaken. Complete tears: More commonly referred to as a full-thickness tear, this injury entirely separates the tendon from the bone. Sometimes in cases like this your surgeon may want to try an injection. This study was done in order to identify stages of rotator cuff tears that signal the need for surgery. If you know you have a rotator cuff tear, worsening pain and decreasing strength may mean the tear is getting larger. The supraspinatus tendon has a tendency to weaken with age and become prone to tendon tears. I have pain all the time, it hurts to put a shirt on, can't lay on it, reaching out to my side it hurts to turn my pillow. All rights reserved. The most common of which are completely normal help with even the most basic daily tasks offer specific! Will not want to perform elective orthopedic surgery while you are pregnant to the! Are trained to help repair a rotator cuff tears only part of the Arena,! Process 2. it to be intra-substance tears down to enthesopathic change at.... Daily tasks the need for surgery on Sept 25 and it is now Nov 10 be difficult find! 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