babies documentary similarities and differences

>> But after watching the entirety of Thomas Balmes' spare and interesting documentary, following four babies in different parts of the world, the shock wears off and familiarity sets in. /T1_0 25 0 R Still, parents usually have the best intentions while raising their children, and Balms wanted to illustrate that. Note that sometimes mothers can be taller than fathers. Star of the Week follows Cassidy-Li, who was adopted from China as a baby, as she prepares an assignment to teach her class about her life. Many of the babies would often show the reflex of rooting where they would turn and open their mouths to find their mothers nipple. This is a carousel. /Rotate 0 /Im0 19 0 R Use contrasting paint colors. Encourage children to explore the contents of their plate and identify similarities and differences in terms of length. It shows that all babies go through similar stages of development, such as learning to crawl, walk, and communicate. Physical development in babies and children. Craft with strips of paperCut several strips of paper, cardboard, or felt, making sure you have several different lengths. >> Some of the babies might developed earlier than the others, this showed that the development varies and the environment can be a factor of this variation. These babies live in Bayanchandmani, Mongolia, Opuwo, Namibia, Tokyo, Japan and San Francisco, the United Sates. It is crucial to change perspectives and to realize that there are many ways of doing things.. Ponijao, on the other hand, is constantly with her mother and the rest of the Himba mothers and babies. BailiffHeatSardine14. Then I took a look at baby Ponijao from Namibia. /MC0 32 0 R /Type /Page Adapted lotto gameUse a lotto game to provide children with the opportunity to find matching illustrations. Some of the greatest moments are just baby stuff, and they're fun because babies are fun: Mari's epic meltdown when her toys won't cooperate; Bayar's brother dispassionately whapping at him with a length of fabric until he cries; Hattie's determined bolt from the room when her baby-and-parent class starts singing about how the Earth and sun are our mother. This documentary film follows four babies from four different countries: Ponijao from Namibia, Bayar from Mongolia, Mari from Japan, and Hattie from the United States. The mother sits behind the father with her newborn cradled in her arms. It is necessary to know how differences and similarities in culture can impact leadership, especially in a large organization. (2016, January 12). Now, you certainly can't wedge the whole movie into some cultural-anthropology pigeonhole. /Type /Page In case of an emergency or for immediate assistance, dial 1-888-986-7126, 2023, 1. There is a secondary story about Fern and her personal growth. Help children notice it. Encourage them to search for things that are the "same" and things that are "different". This key experience involves observing and discovering similarities and differences in terms of length and size as well as searching for identical pictures or illustrations. All rights reserved. /MC0 63 0 R (2016) Infants, children, and adolescents (8th edition). /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] Hattie and Mari had actual toys while Bayar and Ponijao had animals, sticks, and other parts of nature. /Length 875 /Parent 1 0 R Balmes and producer Alain Chabat followed the babies for two years each in Mongolia, Namibia, Japan and the Bay Area, setting HD cameras as close to the children as possible without distracting them. Photos from events will often be shared on news channels, social media, or websites within a day or two, or sometimes the same day maybe even within . Help children notice and name the different lengths by, for example, saying, "This piece is short and this one is long." 8 0 obj /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Babies, which opens Friday, follows four of them Ponijao, in a Namibian village; Mari of Tokyo, Japan; Bayar, of remote Mongolia; and Hattie from birth to their first steps. The four babies had different experiences with their caregivers that contributed to their language development. Retrieved from, 20, Counseling student at UNIMAS Retrieved from 5367 553 article.htm, California Department of Education. In general, balls can safely be manipulated by young children. Balmes also takes us to Tokyo, the city where we meet a Japanese baby by the name of Mari. Ponijao (left), who lives in Namibia with her family, is one of four babies followed from birth to first steps in Thomas Balms' BABIES, a Focus Features release. Though you see them only tangentially, it's obvious that all these parents love their kids; Babies passes judgment on none of them, and it doesn't specifically argue nature vs. nurture or more supervision vs. less. At first I thought this was really strange and wondered how I would retain any of the information that was to be presented within the film, however, as I watched I realized that the lack of words made it simpler to interpret the film and the differences and similarities between the cultures. Hattie and Mari, however, appear constantly in their strollers or in their mothers arms. << If you wish, play music. Babies, through something as pure as childhood, teaches us that all cultures are valuable and worthy of respect. -Lives with her parents, and 8 older brothers/sisters. Box with holesYou will need a box with a lid. Big and small association gamePrint several identical illustrations. The difference must be easy to find. Inspired by author Darlene Friedman's own family, the book includes Cassidy-Li's concerns about missing her birth parents and her creative way of including them in her project. Change). You cant make that up.. Local parents will admire the resourcefulness of the families in less developed areas. With an unobtrusive score and no subtitles or narration (this is a French film, but how would you even know that? Babies (Balmes, 2010) is an unusual documentary film that does not have any narration. Babies Thomas Balmes (Director) Rated: PG Format: DVD 2,463 ratings IMDb 7.0/10.0 Amazon's Choice for "babies documentary" $829 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime FREE Returns Save 50% on 1 when you buy 2 Shop items Prime Video $2.89 $12.59 Blu-ray $19.52 DVD $8.29 Multi-Format $5.84 Blu-ray $16.52 DVD September 28, 2010 DVD 1 $8.29 $5.99 babies documentary similarities and differences. 07/25/2021. /T1_1 21 0 R Is attachment a multicultural theory? /Parent 1 0 R (2011, April 9). I wish I had a couple of acres so Hattie could spend her day in the field observing things, says Wise, who works for the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. In Namibia, the mothers cover their bellies with a red butter-based ointment thats very characteristic of the Himba people. Namibia. What are some similarities and differences among the "three identical strangers"? The families that reside in Tokyo and San Francisco, seem to have both the mother and father caring for the child. For Bayar, he also lives in a rural area but his parents do not interact with him much. This 79 minute film is a nonfiction gem and earned a PG rating because of natural . The babies are Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, Mari from Tokyo, Japan, Bayar from Bayanchandmachi, Mongolia, and Hattie from San Francisco, California. The film generated good class discussions as well as inspired writing on cultural differences, personal reflections and opinions. For instance, in terms of physical appearance, it is known that a normal person should have two eyes, two legs and so on. Chilean babies scored the highest in negative mood and emotions. This may have caused aggression; when he petted the cat he was rough and pulled his fur. Their needs are satisfied and the society is not consumed by materialistic needs. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] His brother also hits him with a cloth that causes him to cry. Hercules saves Meg from the underworld, gains immortality and then gives it all up to be a mortal with Meg on earth and everyone lives happily ever after. Set several balls on the floor (different sizes). There were only a few similarities that I could recognize. Turner Fenton Secondary School. Let babies and toddlers manipulate the blocks. Cut several holes out of the sides of the box. H\Tn8|G3(YR^-P(HF"Q!l9^%w-:mIN?Q}'?k?wN5{Y"~ on)YK$iglGH{"9MDLz}KM^|tEz 'g#l+d/d B]\l^~7YJdI&kuc|U`ZMqglqW#hnvnaDMhA FdHIS7j8RFKxMn/@`nei@h;AQlWBAl"8'l>ZhM{bo{1Vj2 BQSGdkRCrysiW6x( |I!X%"c.rZIFX'("DW29/`~f,oXVf ,"RFw62 Babies: A Documentary Analysis On Cultural Differences Other resources, such as educational movies, toys, educational centers, and recreational parks are not paramount to in determining the development advantages. However, they both learned to walk. Contrasting colors: a visual differenceVery young children will enjoy manipulating objects with contrasting colors such as black and white items or red and white items. What are the differences between the development of the babies in the documentary? First, we have Ponijao, a baby from the Himba ethnic group, born in Opuwo, Namibia. The baby from Namibia plays with rocks and an empty water bottle in a dirt pile, but she has the same looks of joy, confusion and frustration as the girl in Tokyo whose house is full of toys. Without a doubt,postpartum is a stage that mothers spend very close to their babies. Invite children to identify it. 7 0 obj /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Reflexive documentaries share similarities with participatory documentaries in that the documentarian also makes physical appearances in the film. One scene shows Bayar crying when his mother is trying to breastfeed him but his mother is still trying to provide the nutrients of breast milk. He may not feel a connection with her because they have not bonded. Its reality. Cut the pasta so children have pieces of different lengths in their plate or bowl. 1) Breasts are exposed because they viewed as the primary method for feeding their infants. He shows the emotion of being upset or angry. Four newborn children, in four vastly different geographical and social environments, are followed from birth to their first birthday. >> They can each rock the peach fuzz. Through this process of critical observation, infants begin to form categories. On the one hand, the father of Ponijao doesnt appear in a single scene throughout the entire documentary. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. stream /Length 891 >> /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] But hardly impossible. Four infants around the world are observed in, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Four infants around the world are observed in the narrationless documentary Babies. >> The babies' "information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development, and memory also developed throughout the movie" (Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, 2016). One of them was between the Japanese baby, Mari, and the American . The Simple, Bare Necessities: Ponijao lives with her parents and eight older siblings near Opuwo, Namibia. Print it. Focus Features. There is a gap in our beliefs with the rest of the world that we should fill up every minute (of a babys time) with activity and stimulation, the filmmaker says. Ponijao, who lives in Namibia with her family, is one of four babies followed from birth to first steps in Thomas Balmes' "Babies," a Focus Features release. /Parent 1 0 R It took two years and 400 hours of footage to make Babies. Some of the films most poignant shots including the No Hitting moment required weeks to get. The film documented 4 different babies from birth to approximately 1 year of age. 1) Breasts are exposed because they viewed as the primary method for feeding their infants. Bayar was shown crawling along the ground and grassy fields alone which does seem dangerous however the baby seemed so happy. FishThis activity is in fact a variation of the family craft above. Add one feather of a contrasting color and observe children's reaction. /T1_1 25 0 R If you're interested in trying your hand at photojournalism, you can expect to work at a much quicker pace than in documentary photography. Ponijao appeared to be very content despite that fact that his conditions seemed a little unorthodox to me. What does the documentary tell us about the influence of nature and of nurture? /GS0 48 0 R /Pages 1 0 R If in doubt, it's best to consult a trusted specialist. California Department of Education explains that the social emotional development of a child looks at childs experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (2016). Assignment 1: Impact of Development in Infancy As we have discovered in this module, language develops in a similar progression across cultures, including that of the deaf community. A cavalcade of babies. The babys gross motor skills developed throughout the movie. /ExtGState << Variation: You can also provide several balls that are all the same size, but cut holes of different sizes out of the box. Among the findings are that students benefit by having similarities and differences pointed out by a teacher in an explicit manner and that graphic organizers, such as Venn diagrams, comparison tables or charts, and hierarchical taxonomies, that help students construct their own comparisons, can significantly boost student achievement (Focus on . endobj "Babies," an odd new documentary, drives home its point about the universality of experience by, quite literally, spanning the globe to show babies in Africa, Mongolia, Tokyo and San. Again, the words of my mother come into my head and I cant help but to be concerned about the cleanliness of the baby and the illnesses that animals could carry. Both of these children had the same resources yet completely different temperament. (LogOut/ hide caption. On the contrary, she seemed temperamental and discontented by her surroundings and cried often. In each of the 4 cultures that the documentary shows us, the mothers prepare to give birth as if it were a sort of ritual. Here are some of the most striking differences: South Korean babies had the longest attention spans. Discuss the differences in size with children. Labour relations in the system of out-of-school education. -- Advisory: This film contains a birthing scene and nudity. In the final scene of the documentary, we see Bayar standing up for the first time. Retrieved from, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (2016). Enough said. /MC0 35 0 R He sometimes cried when he was by himself, but there was no one around to comfort him. I believed this to be true because baby Hattie and baby Mari both had access to what I initially thought was more and better resources to rear an infant. Provide lots of material they can safely explore to understand similarities and differences. Posted on 11/02/2010 by Ahmed Cheema | 1 Comment. Social. A peek at the world of Babies Use situations like these to explore similarities and differences. >> Everybody loves Babies In the French documentary directed by Thomas Balms, we get a glimpse of four babies' lives after birth. However, it also shows how cultural differences can influence the experiences of the babies, such as the Japanese baby attending formal classes and the Mongolian baby being exposed to harsher weather conditions. If you do it one way instead of another, its not like you dont end up with an adult someday, he says. Which is to say that at its simplest, Babies is just babies. Many of the students argued that one or some of the babies held advantages developmentally more so than the other babies did. tm}EL5 7BSw@"?a` xI Her fingers are very delicate in the process which shows that she can control her hand very well. In Western society, breasts are not recognized primarily as a source of nourishment for infants, rather they are seen as sexual objects. In this assignment, you will consider the importance of how language development applies to learning.Tasks:Select one of the following This shows tertiary circular reactions where she explored the objects by acting on them (Berk &Meyers, 2016). They will enjoy observing the tracks they leave behind and comparing them. Jessica Yadegaran is a Bay Area News Group food and dining writer for The Mercury News and East Bay Times, covering dining culture, restaurants, travel and more for the Eat Drink Play section. Peter Hartlaub is The San Francisco Chronicle's culture critic and co-founder of Total SF. Afterwards, they were invited to discuss (with translators present, as needed) their feelings about this most unique component of their family history. Retrieved from, Advice on how to be a Successful Online Student, 5367 553 article.htm,,, sites@gsu - Blogs for Georgia State University. Parents occasionally enter the shot, but the kids are always the focus. /MC0 38 0 R A perfect accompaniment to your Life and Living science unit.These worksheets should follow a discussion on animals' different features and habitats. H\T]o6|R!=PEAI$$eC The documentary made me realize all upbringings are s. << Take, for instance, the way the children were bathed. /Font << Craft, my familyCut several pictures of people or characters out of magazines, flyers, or catalogues, making sure you have people of different sizes to represent family members. I felt that the method in which the film was shot eliminated a lot of bias and ethnocentric views because the sections of the film portray each of the 4 babies in similar if not the same situations one after another. The same goes to Mari as she is trying to place the sticker on a piece of paper. %PDF-1.3 While these differences illustrate the impact of childcare practices on the rate of development, the similarities in the babies overall development regardless . Hattie obviously showed that she does not want to interact with the other people and she decided to go out of the class. As children work, point to shorter pieces, longer pieces, and identify pieces that are the same length. The movie Babies shows the lives of four different babies living in different cultures and country, Mari from Osaka, Japan, Hattie from San Francisco, California, Bayar from Bayanchandmachi, Mongolia and Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia.The movie has no narration but we can see that the movie is showing the development of each baby in the place and environment that they are living. 2. Then we have Bayar, another baby living near Bayanchandmam, Mongolia. Its a mistake to judge other cultures based on our own viewpoints and contexts. /Rotate 0 And being wrapped up is a way to guarantee his safety. She is dealing with the emotion of sadness or anger. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] What were the most striking similarities and differences . -Lives in a small village with other families. Ponijao seemed to be very content with her surroundings. Road safety laws, social mores and levels of consumerism may be different across the world, but tiny people are pretty much the same. (12) $1.30. This creates a more dramatic scene, which I think is what the director wanted instead of her just. PDF. Jessica previously worked for the San Luis Obispo Tribune, San Diego Union-Tribune and Seattle Magazine, where she was the food and dining editor. The living conditions, similarities and differences will be elaborated through out the paper. Brooks, A. /TT0 49 0 R This is one of the aspects where we can best observe the differences between one culture and another. In one scene, Bayar is taking a bath beside a window and a goat sticks its head inside the window and takes a drink out of the babys bath water. Society is not consumed by materialistic needs hattie and Mari, and the American mothers nipple can be taller fathers... Rough and pulled his fur, or felt, making sure you have different. Feather of a contrasting color and observe children 's reaction babies, through as... Young children or for immediate assistance, dial 1-888-986-7126, 2023, 1 or anger the time! The class, parents usually have the best intentions while raising their children, four... Wedge the whole movie into some cultural-anthropology pigeonhole of Mari infants, rather they seen... The box add one feather of a contrasting color and observe children reaction! 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