whoop high strain low calories

Your WHOOP cycle begins when you fall asleep, then resets the next time you fall asleep (some other wearables operate on a fixed 24 hour cycle, which isnt an accurate portrayal of your bodys routine). 33% or below. Aside from listening to my body, I havent had a means by which to evaluate how recovered I was on a particular day. 14. Now, heres the caveat: the more you have sleep disturbances the more these models get wrong. Thats how I found out, among other things, that eating a late meal negatively impacts my HRV and slow-wave sleep. Biostraps battery lasts less than two days and you cant recharge the device without taking it off. Since indirect calorimetry requires use of a device covering the nose and mouth, such a technology is not available in wrist-worn devices. But I can tell both Apple Watch and WHOOP suffer in accuracy when I do exercises that make me bend my wrist, because it breaks the devices contact with my skin. It frequently tells me Im sleeping (REM or light sleep) when Im actually just reading in bed. I really like Biostraps support for chest strap HR monitors and the shoe pod to capture leg movement (especially while sleeping). Hi. Note: If your WHOOP 4.0 battery drains quickly (i.e., in less than two days), try restarting it via the mobile app (Device Settings > Advanced > Reboot Device). If I want really good data in the pool, Polar Beat with OH1 on my temple in memory mode does the trick and I just accept Whoop for what it is. A 0-4 strain is a very common and normal strain levelif you just waking up, not working out, or taking an active recovery day. Also, you might find this article interesting for your journey towards a healthier life: https://michaelkummer.com/health/healthy-lifestyle-guide/. My estimates historically have been anywhere from 15% to 30% low. The problem is that certain movements cause WHOOP (and other wrist-worn devices that use optical heart rate sensors) to incorrectly report a higher heart rate than you actually have. I stores all data on the band until it reconnects to the phone to transfer it. Below the table youll find links to in-depth comparison articles and YouTube videos I recorded along the way. Check out this article on the very subject I found on the WHOOP blog: https://www.whoop.com/the-locker/the-impact-of-night-call-do-doctors-need-whoop/. Im a competitive athlete with several international level coaches in my team. A few times, the clasp of the WHOOP opened and I had to close it again. The stress of having the device tell me I am way behind on sleep and recovery (when in reality I know I am well above average in both) actually has been quite stressful. This depends on how much variability is normal for you. If the user is moving his//her arm the HR is erratic, while at rest however it is pretty good. Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback! The ability to enter my basal metabolic rate (BMR). The integration enables athletes to track running/biking routes in Strain Coach and to upload their WHOOP data and GPS routes to Strava automatically. My recommendation would be the SuperKnit strap that WHOOP 4.0 ships with. In general, the more you do, the more calories it takes to power that work. The intensity of these types of EMFs scales proportionately to intensity divided by distance squared. I strap on a Wahoo TickerX for my HRM during my Crossfit workouts. I dont see any reason why WHOOP would be any less accurate, despite your condition and conditioning. This is not a forum to debate vaccines, take it elsewhere. I share similar passions..technology, health, sports performance.. Former US National Cycling Champ and World Champ (in St Johann) (Masters) turned Crossfit competitor. So, I consider the data as relative information. WHOOP Recovery is based on 4 metrics: Resting Heart Rate (RHR), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Respiratory Rate, and sleep. I used Strain Coach just once (to see how it works), because I dont think it adds any value to my exercise regimen. Thats then reflected in your lower-than-expected recovery score. Before I read your comment, I never noticed it and so I never paid attention to the other straps I used before. If youre always in the green, youre most likely not improving. The table below gives you an overview of how the WHOOP Strap compares to the Apple Watch, Biostrap, Fitbit Sense and Oura Ring. you dont have to be a gym rat for Whoop to make sense in particular the sleep and strain tracking and analysis. Calorie tracking is based on your HR reading and the quality of that depends on how well a contact the sensor has with your skin. Hi Michael, My issue is that my total calories burned at the end of the day tends to be ~2000. On a side note, WHOOP 4.0's battery pack has the same color indicators as the sensor (red, yellow and green). I love new wearable tech and try most platforms and ultimately think it will become very reliable and significant to healthcare. Have you utilized the Whoop Bicep Band yet? I have become a huge fan of WHOOP, and Im thankful to the folks at NCFit Alpharetta (formerly known as CrossFit Alpharetta) who introduced me to the platform. Have been using Apple Watch with Pillow app for decent results. Tapping Sleep Needed in your app shows how we calculate your specific sleep requirement. My thoughts are that the band would loose contact or its performance hindered by copious amounts of sweat, regardless of the type of band and where its worn. Note: Read my LiveO2 review and learn more about the benefits of altitude and intermittant hypoxic training. While Ive tried both the bicep strap and sleeve (and found them useful for certain CrossFit workouts that include dumbbells, kettlebells or grips), I like WHOOPs performance apparel best. One common confusion is the difference between BMR and RMR (resting metabolic rate). Over the next few weeks, Ill do more side-by-side comparisons between WHOOP 4.0 and my Polar chest strap to see how aligned those devices are. Its really not up for debate. HRV is highly volatile and random readings dont mean anything because theyre influenced by your activities. Another eye opener is if I have any drinks the night before. Unfortunately, WHOOP doesnt allow that. Same as with the Apple Watch (or any other wrist-worn device), proper contact with the skin is crucial for its accuracy. How can this be so? This update impacts the time periods where your Heart Rate (HR) is between 30-40% of your HR reserve (the range between your resting HR and your max HR). Additionally, you can also tell the app exactly how much alcohol you had (and when you had it). Strain is calculated by the duration of time you spend in each of your personal heart rate zones, established from your max heart rate. Thats an important factor for improving the reliability of sleep tracking because skin conductance changes when you fall asleep and during certain stages of sleep. Thats helpful for certain types of exercises, like lifting weights, that increase your heart rate only moderately. Hi Michael, Thats one of the reasons why Biostrap decided to lump both deep and REM sleep into a single metric instead of trying to differentiate between the two. Heart-rate-based calorie estimates, like the ones provided by WHOOP, scale reliably with true caloric consumption, meaning that you can look at trends in caloric burn and trust that it's accurately identifying relatively high and low calorie-burn periods. The Whoop 4.0 can also track skin temperature and blood oxygen levels, two . 12. We get our energy from food and expend that energy in three ways: (1) staying alive (2) digesting food and (3) doing things. Thats awesome to hear you have the issue on your radar (pun mostly intended). You can also see how many calories youre burning and which heart rate zone youre operating in. WHOOP claims 95%, but I think its too high based on their technology and lack of EEG. WHOOP automatically tracks your resting heart rate (RHR) as well as your heart-rate variability (HRV). Combine it with a good 3rd party sleep app like AutoSleep that detects your recovery using HRV, and you get legitimately great feedback on recovery and how much you can push yourself every day. Ive also heard reports of low oxygen saturation in patients who were diagnosed with a respiratory infection, such as pneumonia or COVID-19. An hour of walking at a moderate pace for me should be around 300-350 cals but my HR rarely goes above 50%, so Whoop basically groups it in 0-49% HR and gives me ridiculously low cals like 70. not really all the functionality is tied to the subscription. And not by a little. Update: I can confirm that moving the sensor from my wrist to larger body parts (by leveraging WHOOP Body the companys new line of functional garments) has fixed the problem. The WHOOP Journal is the best way to record how your diet may be affecting your performance and recovery. Each ride on CAROL lasts for only 8 minutes and 40 seconds, but my heart rate only spikes during the two 20-second sprints that are part of the workout. Unfortunately, many people who havent looked at the evidence or have personal biases still view this position as paranoid and unfounded, and are unwilling to acknowledge the potential for harm until they or someone they know develops symptoms caused by overexposure to wireless tech. I admit that doesnt always make it easy to find what youre looking for. Have you seen the Hydrosleeve announcement? Also speak fluent German..lived there 4 years..several cities. If you have less than six months left, you can extend your membership for another six months and get the new strap free of charge. As a result, WHOOP can more reliably predict the onset of an illness or menstrual cycle in the future. 9. While individual workouts receive Strain Scores to indicate solitary levels of cardiovascular effort (for a discrete period of time), Day Strain provides you with a full picture of the Strain you are putting on your body each day. One of the most useful features of WHOOPs recovery tracking is the WHOOP Journal, because it enables you to answer a few questions every morning (about lifestyle choices and medical conditions) that WHOOP can then correlate with changes in your recovery and sleep scores. At WHOOP, we seek to keep our members informed about the latest technology in the app and how they can apply their data to real-life training and performance goals. Discussion of all things related to the Whoop Strap Fitness Tracker, and the training, recovery, and cardiovascular load analysis it performs. Idk man i burn like 4000 a day. These involve lots of crossfit and hiit. Most of the fitness and sleep trackers on the market use the same optical heart rate monitor technology and the same open-source algorithms to interpret the signal from the sensors.The secret sauce of each company, including WHOOP, is the algorithm that interprets the raw heart rate data. One of WHOOP 4.0s most exciting new features is Health Monitor, which gives you a daily report of your five most important health metrics, including: Any deviation from the baseline of these metrics could be an indication of a potential health issue or lifestyle choice your body was struggling with during the night. I do have a bicep strap on order for the Whoop and will benchmark again versus the bicep strap. I found another study that outlined the accuracy of various monitoring devices, including electroencephalography (EEG), skin conductance (SC), skin temperature (ST) and accelerometers (ACC). That sleeve should definitely help to keep WHOOP in close contact with your skin and prevent water from getting between the sensor and the skin. Do you take Whoop off just for the shower? Interesting deep dive. Accuracy/Precision follow fast but being accurate but unreliable is a deal breaker. Is higherstrainalways better for any fitness goal? How does stress correlate with HRV? As a long time user I am just not that wowed anymore and I came here to see if there is a good alternative. For more information, check out my YouTube video about the 10 hacks Ive implemented to increase my HRV. when you move a lot). 2) Where is the strap made (What country of origin)? That explains why preparing food, chopping onions or performing other common household chores can lead to high strain scores. WHOOP is for anyone looking to make improvements in their daily performance, whether they are an athlete, a doctor, a parent, a business owner, or more. Otherwise, it only samples your heart rate every few minutes. Instead, you have to use an app that can send raw commands to the battery pack via the USB cable. With the launch of WHOOP 4.0, the company also released a new flagship band called the SuperKnit strap. Allison Lynch is a Senior Marketing Manager at WHOOP, specializing in Running & Womens Performance. If I have a subscription for a while and then stop, is there anything I can still do with the whoop band? Am I really to believe that with an hour long work out that averages 500 calories + basal calorie rate that I barely reach over 2K calories burned in a day? While the first iteration of the WHOOP app wasnt incredibly granular in collecting that important information, newer versions allow you to select only the questions you want the app to ask you. Swimming is the big wild card and and the wrist movement you mention is likely the culprit along with the rapidly moving arm. Thanks for the extremely thorough review! 720 cals for the whole day? I always lift before Cardio and I lift pretty heavy and my highest Strain is under 7. If you have a race or competition coming up, you might have to take it easy and conserve energy, despite WHOOPs recommendation. I appreciate the time you took to draft such a detailed comment. Maybe if influencers like you can help tactfully spread some awareness on this issue among tech users and companies, demand for truly safe tech could grow. So if your max HR is 200 bpm and your resting HR is 50 bpm, then your HR reserve is 150 bpm. Are you still using the product, do you find it to be reliable after 2 years of use? Additionally, WHOOP has made it super easy to swap bands, thanks to the new Fast Link system. Great review. As a result, such sensors are often more reliable when youre stationary, as opposed to during high-intensity exercise routines such as CrossFit. I didnt even think about logging that activity (I wanted to wait for my next CrossFit workout instead). but could they still be accurate? Many of my friends and fellow CrossFitters use WHOOP and none of them have reported any of the issues youre having. How does Whoops sensors react to tattoos? Nothing is measured directly from my body. Thank you for this very detailed and comprehensive review. Im still using WHOOP and so does my wife and we havent had any reliability issues. The latter is similar to WHOOPs recovery feature, taking into account such parameters as: I really like the form-factor of Oura Ring and the data it provides, even though its sleep tracking appeared to be less accurate in my tests compared to WHOOP. how does one take shower after the Workout? Im not aware of such an integration and Ive never used Garmin. First of all, thanks to anyone who responds. Only a few responses wont tell you what is clearly working for you, and whats not. Perhaps some women do it, but I certainly would not. If youre new to fitness and recovery tracking and predominantly perform cardio-types of exercises, I think Strain Coach can be a valuable tool to avoid overtraining. The ProKnit strap offered the perfect compromise between comfort and function, allowing the WHOOPs sensors to remain in constant contact with the skin without feeling too tight or uncomfortable. Problem is I love metrics! I dont know for certain which sensor is right, but Im leaning towards WHOOP 4.0 just based on my own assessment. My point here is that while new tech is awesome and it can help you many ways, you still have to use your judgement and not become slave because oour technology still fails us quite often. Thats because the WHOOP app supports various input options, including taping and swiping to reveal different information. you can also change your profile picture, weight and height. Based on feedback from my readers, Ive also taken a closer look at the Apple Watch, Biostrap, Fitbit and Oura. I'm usually very quick to jump in and defend whoop; this reddit content is at least 70% people saying "hi i'm new to whoop and I'm seeing this data for the first time, but I know it is all completely wrong". 2 questions: Because the wrist band gets all wet and salty and most of all will get stinky if you dont wash them or dry them properly. You probably already know that if you consume more calories than you expend you will gain mass (either muscle or fat), if you consume fewer calories than you expend you will lose mass, and if you match input to output your weight stays the same. Last Updated: Jan 11, 2023. Will the app shut down and I cannot get readings anymore?` In a nutshell, the WHOOP strap offers excellent accuracy in the following areas: Heart rate variability (HRV) Recovery Respiratory rate Resting heart rate Sleep quality and stages of sleep However, you might experience mixed results in the areas of heart rate tracking during certain types of exercises. When you tap on the VoW, you will see each of these Recovery-related metrics for the day compared against your last 30 days (in gray). Going 3 rpm above normal could be cause for concern. It is the Cardio and the heart rate intensity that leads to strain/calorie burning/whatever else people use it for. Hi Allen! For example, if you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, your SpO2 levels might drop below 95%. @nolanbillstrom. On the flip side, my recovery score improved immediately as soon as I started to feel better. Without an active membership, the Strap is worthless. For someone who seems as healthy as you, maybe a week or two to get a good idea of how much better you might feel. 11. But it doesnt look like its where I want it to be for me to upgrade quite yet. I explained the problem with tracking the strain of CrossFit workouts in the previous section, but I wanted to give you another example. To view Strain associated with individual workouts, select the activity button inside the Strain circle. Reading a book before going to sleep (instead of reading on my iPhone or iPad) helps me sleep better and longer. If you are consistently exerting high strain days and not allowing room for recovery, you will not make the same fitness gains if you were to take a day of active rest. Remember, WHOOP measures your heart rate 100 times per second, all the time. Outside of the lab studies WHOOP has performed, they also published a real-life study with college athletes you can check it out here: https://www.whoop.com/the-locker/study-rhr-hrv-sleep-collegiate-athletes/. Ill update my review in a few weeks, once I have had a chance to try it! I have worn it during those and do okay, but would prefer to be safe and protect it. How come my recoveries have been low despite getting good sleep? How can this be so? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. On the flip side, listening to your body and taking heart rate variability (the core metric WHOOP uses to calculate its recovery score) into account has been shown in several studies to improve athletic performance, and cardiorespiratory fitness in particular. Getting enough sleep and getting quality sleep are always important and will aid in your recovery, but there may be other factors at play keeping your body from fully recovering the next day. The stress alone of being hooked up to monitors while trying to sleep in a lab-environment renders the results pretty much useless. I have been reading through the comments and I believe your reply here is not on target. The bottom line is that cardiovascular strain and muscle fatigue are two separate things and WHOOP can only tracker the former. Whats missing from Biostrap is recovery tracking and the actionable insights I get from WHOOP. BMR is, as mentioned above, the calories associated with maintaining the necessary functions of sustaining life (things like breathing) while RMR is used as an estimate of ordinary non-workout caloric consumption, and therefore includes all forms of ordinary activity (things like cooking breakfast). Just a couple of beers. What does it mean if bothheart rate variability (HRV)andresting heart rate (RHR)are decreasing over time? While thats in line with what I paid for my Apple Watch, its still a lot of money. If youre an existing WHOOP member and have more than six months remaining on your current subscription, you can get WHOOP 4.0 for free without having to make any changes to your subscription. A consumer level EMF meter for about 200 bucks can be a very eye-opening way to mitigate hidden or otherwise overlooked sources, and Id strongly recommend it before getting into shielding since all shielding is directional to some degree, meaning it can also bounce EMFs back. Appears there might be some accuracy deficiencies that no product has resolved. My question is how do you use it for Crossfit? What WHOOPcando is tell you when youve deviated from your baseline, which is critical when monitoring your health, and may help you pick up on symptoms or illness before it gets worse. HRV is a highly-personalized metric and depends on numerous factors, including fitness, age, gender, genetics, health, and environmental conditions. The HRV measurement, daily strain and recovery scores are very appealing to have, I logged data for several weeks for sleep to see what the differences were. From a pure fitness tracking perspective, Fitbit is like my Apple Watch: both provide some value, but if it wasnt for things like notifications, timekeeping and Apple Pay, I wouldnt be wearing it. That way, you can make instant adjustments to your workout activity, based on your recovery. The more quality sleep you get, the quicker you recover. If you experience this issue, just reach out to WHOOP membership services via the mobile app and theyll send you a new sensor. Thats why I dont bother with WHOOPs strain scores. High strain, low calorie burn . And the moment exercise stops, HR drops to normal/resting HR very quickly. During the day, WHOOP relies on its green LEDs to track your heart rate and any cardiovascular strain you might accumulate. I have not. I certainly love the Whoop band and its metrics but this lack of integration is leaving a glaring hole in my metrics. Wowed anymore and I believe your reply here is not available in wrist-worn devices what I for!, your SpO2 levels might drop below 95 %, but I wanted to give you another example very... Strap is worthless also heard reports of low oxygen saturation in patients who were with... Mouth, such a detailed comment ill update my review in a lab-environment renders the results pretty much useless just! 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