things named after benedict arnold

[107], The pursuing American army included the Marquis de Lafayette, who was under orders from Washington to hang Arnold summarily if he was captured. He led the British army in battle against the soldiers whom he had once commanded, after which his name became, and has remained, synonymous with treason and betrayal in the United States.[2]. The absent name is Benedict Arnold, a name now synonymous with "traitor." Many Americans understand why his name has been erased from the chapel of the garrison he once commanded. The first man was a British major named John Andre. She was a close friend of British major John Andr and kept in contact with him when he became head of the British espionage system in New York. Apparently, Arnold also had self-confidence issues and his new wife Peggy wasn't helping the situation. After trying and failing to hand the fort at West Point over to the British, he joined the Royal Army and took . The arched, double-door main entrance provided a stately, picturesque quality to the home. This long after he lived, it would probably be impossible to know whether Benedict Arnold liked or disliked any particular food. [54] Such schemes were not uncommon among American officers, but Arnold's schemes were sometimes frustrated by powerful local politicians such as Joseph Reed, who eventually amassed enough evidence to publicly air charges against him. Benedict Arnold's name might be the first that comes to mind when we think of treason not just because he was a traitor, but because he was such an unlikely one. Arnold died in London at the age of 60. [11], Arnold was very close to his mother, who died in 1759. He later said in his own defense that he was loyal to his true beliefs, yet he lied at the same time by insisting that Peggy was totally innocent and ignorant of his plans. [25] On the night of January 28, 1767, he and members of his crew roughed up a man suspected of attempting to inform authorities of Arnold's smuggling. After Benedict Arnold betrayed the Continental Army, his British contact, Major John Andr, was captured by the Americans and hanged as a spy while Arnold escaped on a British ship. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. He knew that he was distrusted and disliked by senior military officers on both sides. He engaged in a variety of business deals designed to profit from war-related supply movements and benefiting from the protection of his authority. He was extremely unpopular there and returned to London permanently in 1791, where he died ten years later. "[144] The victory monument at Saratoga has four niches, three of which are occupied by statues of Generals Gates, Schuyler, and Morgan. He presided over the rear of the Continental Army during its retreat from Saint-Jean, where he was reported by James Wilkinson to be the last person to leave before the British arrived. A figure climbed down from the larger sloop, into the boat and quietly made his way up the Hudson River. [116] Delivery of his first ship the Lord Sheffield was accompanied by accusations from the builder that Arnold had cheated him; Arnold claimed that he had merely deducted the contractually agreed amount when the ship was delivered late. See the fact file below for more information on . In the House of Commons, Edmund Burke expressed the hope that the government would not put Arnold "at the head of a part of a British army" lest "the sentiments of true honour, which every British officer [holds] dearer than life, should be afflicted". (Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't count; he's British.) Crippled from his wounds, Arnold was placed in command of Philadelphia (June 1778), where he socialized with families of loyalist sympathies and lived extravagantly. His father was arrested on several occasions for public drunkenness, was refused communion by his church, and died in 1761. [142] His descendants are spread across Canada, most of all those of John Sage, who adopted the Arnold surname. Four days later, Arnold sent a ciphered letter with similar content into New York through the services of the wife of a prisoner of war. It was donated by Civil War General John Watts DePeyster, and its inscription reads: "In memory of the most brilliant soldier of the Continental army, who was desperately wounded on this spot, winning for his countrymen the decisive battle of the American Revolution, and for himself the rank of Major General. [135] Jefferson Davis and other southern secessionist leaders were unfavorably compared to Arnold, implicitly and explicitly likening the idea of secession to treason. Historians have several theories about why Arnold became a traitor: greed; mounting debt; resentment of other officers; a hatred of the Continental Congress; and a desire for the colonies to remain under British rule. It is impossible to say when 37-year-old Benedict Arnold first met 18-year-old Peggy Shippen, but we do know that on September 25, 1778, he wrote her a love lettermuch of it an exact copy of . After formal inquiries, he was usually acquitted, but Congress investigated his finances and determined that he was indebted to Congress, and that he had borrowed money heavily to maintain a lavish lifestyle. Benedict Arnold was an enthusiastic patriot who believed passionately in the cause of American liberty. [27] Margaret died on June 19, 1775, while Arnold was at Fort Ticonderoga following its capture. His ventures met with mixed success. [108], On his return to New York in June, Arnold made a variety of proposals for attacks on economic targets to force the Americans to end the war. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Promoted to the rank of brigadier general, Arnold constructed a flotilla on Lake Champlain and inflicted severe losses on a greatly superior enemy fleet near Valcour Island, New York (October 11, 1776). [35], During these actions, Arnold made a number of friends and a larger number of enemies within the army power structure and in Congress. Together, they won the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, America's first victory in the Revolutionary War. In an ironic twist, Heron went into New York unaware of the significance of the letter and offered his own services to the British as a spy. Benedict Arnold led the attack at the British Fort of Ticonderoga. Clinton was concerned that Washington's army and the French fleet would join in Rhode Island, and he again fixed on West Point as a strategic point to capture. Benedict Arnold is an epithet for traitor in the United States; calling a person a Benedict Arnold implies that they are a traitor. He wrote that he was "very much shocked" and wondered "good God, are the Americans all asleep and tamely giving up their liberties, or are they all turned philosophers, that they don't take immediate vengeance on such miscreants? It was invoked again as sectional conflicts increased in the years before the American Civil War. On August 13, Schuyler dispatched him with a force of 900 to relieve the siege of Fort Stanwix, where he succeeded in a ruse to lift the siege. Meanwhile, in April 1779, Arnold married Margaret (Peggy) Shippen, a young woman of loyalist sympathies. During this time, Arnold brought his sister Hannah to New Haven and established her in his apothecary to manage the business in his absence. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, American Battlefield Trust - Biography of Benedict Arnold, Dictionary of Canadian Biography - Biography of Benedict Arnold, The Washington Library Center for Digital History - Biography of Benedict Arnold, United States History - Biography of Benedict Arnold, Benedict Arnold - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Benedict Arnold - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Benedict Arnold: meeting with Maj. John Andr. [24] Arnold initially took no part in any public demonstrations but, like many merchants, continued to do business openly in defiance of the Parliamentary Acts, which legally amounted to smuggling. By Joyce Lee Malcolm. [6] In December 1780, he led a force of 1,600 troops into Virginia under orders from Clinton, where he captured Richmond by surprise and then went on a rampage through Virginia, destroying supply houses, foundries, and mills. [3] Arnold was buried at St. Mary's Church in Battersea, England. He was again severely wounded in the left leg late in the fighting. Or was it a kind of extreme midlife crisis, swerving from radical political beliefs to reactionary ones, a change accelerated by his marriage to the very young, very pretty, very Tory Peggy Shippen? He also peppered Washington with complaints about the lack of supplies, writing, "Everything is wanting. I used the widely accepted 1910 translation by the sinologist Lionel Giles, available in various . Especially galling was a long feud with the civil authorities in Philadelphia which led to his court-martial. [133] George Canning Hill authored a series of moralistic biographies in the mid-19th century and began his 1865 biography of Arnold: "Benedict, the Traitor, was born". Arnold said that it would have been better had it been in the chest instead of the leg. Word of the siege's disastrous outcome led the company to turn around, and Arnold served for only 13 days. General Washington gave him a light reprimand, but it merely heightened Arnold's sense of betrayal; nonetheless, he had already opened negotiations with the British before his court martial even began. He was named after his great-grandfather Benedict Arnold who was once governor of the colony of Connecticut. It is what happened after 1775 that began to wear him down and bring on his disillusionment. [69] This was the beginning of a secret correspondence between Arnold and Andr, sometimes using his wife Peggy as a willing intermediary, which culminated more than a year later with Arnold's change of sides. Although he was unsuccessful, his attempt to betray George Washington and his American forces . After the war, he petitioned to have Vermont become a state. [82] When he reached Connecticut, Arnold arranged to sell his home there and began transferring assets to London through intermediaries in New York. He then presented the attack of Fort Ticonderoga. Arnold was rebuffed by Congress and by local authorities in requests for security details for himself and his in-laws. These letters were delivered by Samuel Wallis, another Philadelphia businessman who spied for the British, rather than by Stansbury. Unable to obtain a regular commission in the British army, he later pursued various business ventures, including land speculation in Canada. General Parsons laid it aside, seeing a letter written as a coded business discussion. [37] He also had disagreements with John Brown and James Easton, two lower-level officers with political connections that resulted in ongoing suggestions of improprieties on his part. Arnold was aware of his reputation in his home country, and French statesman Talleyrand described meeting him in Falmouth, Cornwall in 1794: The innkeeper at whose place I had my meals informed me that one of his lodgers was an American general. [99][100] Upon receiving Jameson's message, however, he learned that Jameson had sent Washington the papers which Andr was carrying. Arnold repeatedly claimed that he was being passed over for promotion by the Continental Congress, and that other officers were being given credit for some of his accomplishments. [130] In Arnold's home town of Norwich, Connecticut, someone scrawled "the traitor" next to his record of birth at city hall, and all of his family's gravestones have been destroyed except his mother's.[131]. Donald Trump has taken over from Benedict Arnold as "America's number one traitor," according to a group of veterans seeking to vote the president out of office this November. [109] They also attacked and captured Fort Griswold across the river in Groton, Connecticut, slaughtering the Americans after they surrendered following the Battle of Groton Heightsand all these deeds were done just a few miles down the Thames River from Norwich, where Arnold grew up. Arnold wrote out passes for Andr so that he would be able to pass through the lines, and he also gave him plans for West Point. However, British casualties were high; nearly one quarter of the force was killed or wounded, and Clinton declared that he could ill afford any more such victories. At the end of 1781 Arnold went to England. Far fewer know . A historical marker in Danvers, Massachusetts commemorates Benedict Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec Bayley Seton Hospital in the Clifton section of Staten Island was named in part for Richard Bayley, father of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton [103], Washington remained calm when he was presented with evidence of Arnold's treason. Peggy's Childhood Peggy was the daughter of Edward Shippen and born into a prominent Philadelphia family. Benedict Arnold (14 January 1741 [O.S. The prisoner seemed suprised to see the gallows, but walked calmy toward it. In a July 11 letter, he complained that the British did not appear to trust him, and threatened to break off negotiations unless progress was made. Many historians see her as having facilitated Arnold's plans to switch sides; he opened secret negotiations with her friend Andr, and she relayed their messages to each other. Before his betrayal Benedict Arnold was a legitimate hero and a competent officer. His action at Ridgefield, coupled with the death of Wooster due to wounds sustained in the action, resulted in his promotion to major general, although his seniority was not restored over those who had been promoted before him. But You Probably Don't Know His Whole Story Illustration showing Major General Benedict Arnold (1741 - 1801) rallying the American troops. He also provided information on a proposed French-American invasion of Quebec that was to go up the Connecticut River (Arnold did not know that this proposed invasion was a ruse intended to divert British resources). Benedict Arnold, (born January 14, 1741, Norwich, Connecticut [U.S.]died June 14, 1801, London, England), patriot officer who served the cause of the American Revolution until 1779, when he shifted his allegiance to the British. Washington refused his resignation and ordered him north to assist with the defense there. [103] The anti-war Whigs had gained the upper hand in Parliament, and Germain was forced to resign, with the government of Lord North falling not long after. Sage's gravestone indicates that he was born on April 14, 14, 1786, a date roughly confirmed by Arnold's will, which stated that Sage was 14 when Arnold wrote it in 1800. He was convicted of disorderly conduct and fined the relatively small amount of 50 shillings; publicity of the case and widespread sympathy for his views probably contributed to the light sentence. An epidemic of yellow fever ravaged Arnold's family in the 1750s, however, claiming three of his . "No," he replied, and after a few moments of silence, noticing my surprise, he added, "I am perhaps the only American who cannot give you letters for his own country all the relations I had there are now broken I must never return to the States." Arnold was promoted to brigadier general for his role in reaching Quebec, and he maintained an ineffectual siege of the city until he was replaced by Major General David Wooster in April 1776. [118] The family moved to Saint John in 1787, where Arnold created an uproar with a series of bad business deals and petty lawsuits. This monument was erected under the patronage of the State of Connecticut in the 55th year of the Independence of the U.S.A. in memory of the brave patriots massacred at Fort Griswold near this spot on the 6th of Sept. Yet as every elementary school student knows, Benedict reneged on his original commitment and defected to England. [110], Even before Cornwallis's surrender in October, Arnold had requested permission from Clinton to go to England to give Lord George Germain his thoughts on the war in person. [18] On one of his voyages, he fought a duel in Honduras with a British sea captain who had called him a "damned Yankee, destitute of good manners or those of a gentleman". AD 1781, when the British, under the command of the Traitor Benedict Arnold, burnt the towns of New London and Groton and spread desolation and woe throughout the region. His grandfather, after whom he was named, was one of the founders of the Rhode Island colony, but Arnold's father was the opposite of the upstanding Benedict Arnold I. They had no reason to suspect that Gen. Benedict Arnold, the new commander of the post, would be less than a gracious host. [6] With the outbreak of the French Revolution, Arnold outfitted a privateer, while continuing to do business in the West Indies, even though the hostilities increased the risk. Benedict Arnold betrayed the Continental Army to the British when he made secret overtures to British headquarters in May 1779 and, a year later, informed the British of a proposed American invasion of Canada. Peggy Shippen had barely turned eighteen when in June of 1778, following the evacuation of Philadelphia by a British army, Major General Benedict . Arnold resented this affront, and only Washingtons personal persuasion kept him from resigning. Arnold remained there until July 1781 and then returned to New York. "[115], In 1785, Arnold and his son Richard moved to Saint John, New Brunswick, where they speculated in land and established a business doing trade with the West Indies. Benedict Arnold was unhappy with his position in the Continental Army by the time he betrayed the cause of the American Revolution to the British. What does it mean to call someone a Benedict Arnold? Arnold benefited from his relationship with Mansfield, who became a partner in his business and used his position as sheriff to shield him from creditors. On December 8, 1781, Arnold and his family left New York for England. She couldand did. Only action by Arnold's superior at Ticonderoga prevented his own arrest on countercharges leveled by Hazen. [111] He renewed that request when he learned of the surrender, which Clinton then granted. July 27] 1742 - June 19, 1786) was an American military officer and planter who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.He emerged from the war with a reputation as one of George Washington's most talented and dependable officers, and is known for his successful command in the Southern theater of the conflict. Before it could be carried out, however, minutemen captured John Andr and informed General George Washingtonof the plot. After his leg healed, Benedict Arnold was named Military Governor of Philadelphia. Some theatrical treatments of the 19th century explored his duplicity, seeking to understand rather than demonize it. [83], Andr returned victorious from the Siege of Charleston on June 18, and both he and Clinton were immediately caught up in this news. From there, he was ordered to Vermont where he met with Ethan Allen. Though Trump has checked off the betray the USA box quite well. He helped organize militia forces on British-held islands, receiving praise from the landowners for his efforts on their behalf. During the American Revolution, British Major John Andr joined with American General Benedict Arnoldin a scheme to secure British control over the American fortification at West Point, New York. His father was also called Benedict Arnold and his mother's name was Hannah Waterman King. As early as 1778, there were signs that Arnold was unhappy with his situation and pessimistic about the country's future. The band played a funeral march. [55], Arnold lived extravagantly in Philadelphia and was a prominent figure on the social scene. Major Benjamin Tallmadge was a member of the Continental Army's Culper Ring, a network of spies established under Washington's orders,[97] and he insisted that Jameson order the prisoner to be intercepted and brought back. [21] However, it is unknown whether this encounter actually happened or not. In real life: Arnold left for England in late 1781, before the official surrender, in an unsuccessful bid to persuade the Crown to keep the war going in America. He claimed that Arnold was guilty of all kinds of treasonous acts and preferred the company of the British loyalists, all without offering any proof. And those of us with long memories can take some comfort that things didn't go much better for Arnold once he left the colonies to live in . Benedict Arnold Is America's Most Famous Traitor. That autumn he was appointed by Gen. George Washington to command an expedition to capture Quebec. [49][citation not found], Arnold spent several months recovering from his injuries. [67], Early in May 1779, Arnold met with Philadelphia merchant Joseph Stansbury[c] who then "went secretly to New York with a tender of [Arnold's] services to Sir Henry Clinton". [a][133] Historical markers in Danvers, Massachusetts, and Newburyport, MA commemorate Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec. [149] The faculty club at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton has a Benedict Arnold Room in which letters written by Arnold hang on the walls. 3 January 1740][1][a] June 14, 1801) was an American-born military officer who served during the Revolutionary War. [128][d], Benedict Arnold's name became synonymous with "traitor" soon after his betrayal became public, and biblical themes were often invoked. He also faced financial ruin, falling 16,000[b] in debt with creditors spreading rumors of his insolvency, to the point where he took legal action against them. [60] Some of this communication was effected through the services of Joseph Stansbury, a Philadelphia merchant.[61]. [6][103] Among his bequests were considerable gifts to one John Sage, perhaps an illegitimate son or grandson. Unlike his accomplishments in the battlefield, Arnold was not a good Governor. He was enrolled in a private school in nearby Canterbury, Connecticut, when he was 10, with the expectation that he would eventually attend Yale College. [52] Historian John Shy states: Arnold began planning to capitalize financially on the change in power in Philadelphia, even before the Americans reoccupied their city. Bettmann / Corbis "You have five. On August 25, Peggy finally delivered to him Clinton's agreement to the terms. John Andr was executed for spying. Benedict Arnold is an American Revolutionary War General who is known for being the best American Strategist during the war. Benedict Arnold was an American Senior Officer during the Revolutionary War. Scholastica, the founder of the Benedictine sisters, was Benedict's sister. He performed operations that provided the Americans with relief during the Siege of Fort Stanwix, and key actions during the pivotal 1777 Battles of Saratoga, in which he sustained leg injuries that put him out of combat career for several years. [127] His funeral procession boasted "seven mourning coaches and four state carriages";[103] the funeral was without military honors. Things Trump will never be. . Arnold didn't die a heroic death, or even a cowardly death. The America. One month after taking command, Arnold slipped the plans to British Major John Andr in exchange for 20,000 pounds of sterling, the equivalent of more than $4 million today. He marched with 700 men by way of the Maine wilderness, a remarkable feat of woodsmanship and endurance, and, reinforced by Gen. Richard Montgomery, attacked the well-fortified city. Two months later he repelled a British attack on Danbury, Connecticut, and was made a major general, but his seniority was not restored and Arnold felt his honour impugned. His scheme was to surrender the fort to the British, but it was exposed in September 1780 when revolution militia captured Andr carrying papers which revealed the plot. [128], Arnold left a small estate, reduced in size by his debts, which Peggy undertook to clear. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Benedict Arnold was born in 1741 to a prominent Connecticut family. In 1763, he repaid money that he had borrowed from the Lathrops,[17] repurchased the family homestead that his father had sold when deeply in debt, and re-sold it a year later for a substantial profit. A heroic death, or even a cowardly death [ 49 ] [ citation not found ], Arnold had. 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