the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained

I can still remember her scene flogging Yan Kuan and it looked so real that it hurts but you can also feel her anger that her son would love the other woman more than he loves her. All the murders she did, all the political marriage she arranged, her turning away Fuya, etc all for the sake of giving her son a stable kingdom. Those who survived;if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jaynestars_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',636,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-leader-1-0'); Han Ming retired to village to wait for Concubine Han to return to him but she never will. She just appears to be an obstacle for Qiyou and Fuya and by which time the series have already gone one circle over beloved woman vs not beloved woman that is in Nothern Han. I couldnt bear to watch the last third of the show because I was so annoyed. She has always been a capable actress but in here, she shows you all her expertise when it comes to acting. She is too old for her character and I find her performance as like her character, just pretty one dimensional. Just remember, Wallace Huo cries beautifully. Evil uncle of Fuya dies from being stabbed by Duyun. I watched this series for him. But apart from marriage, Liancheng seems to have a stronger footing when governing his country, he is more strong in his opinion and expressing his opinion. evaluation evaluations. I cant take the full show as it is too tragic but its not bad in small doses. One factor I dont like is the dancing. Not only do I hate her face, I hate her performance. Yan Mingting smiled and patted him. But on screen, somehow her personality is dimmed, sometimes she seems like a total airhead when I know she isnt, giving me an impression she is not terribly bright and she almost always manages to make you hate the character she plays, save for Zhiwei which you will hate in part 2 later on. He quickly grasped two main points. However his face can be puffy and tired looking. Never once, which is something Liancheng realises as well. Anyway, I just feel the need to speak up for Qiyou/ Yuan Kun as too much has been raved about Lian Cheng/Wallace I am kidding. If the pain is too much to bear, it will not be too late to let Xiaolu end up as the little emperor.At that time, if Xiao Jin cut him to death . Beautifully written review, Funn. It is like she appears just so to be Qiyous confidant companion and of course she is quickly forgotten when Fuya appears. It was to me one of the most beautiful introduction, everything I ever need to know about Liu Lian Cheng, I knew in that 5 minutes of his intro, from his dislike of the idea of being a crown prince to his disgust at having to be there at Chu Kingdom and his dissatisfaction at his I suppose royal lineage. Wallace Huo is to me the reason why HDTV is created. Best Scene(s)For Tony Yang, when he held his hated enemy in his arms as she died and he cried for her not to die so soon. The songs are nice but she should have let someone better to sing those songs rather than monopolise the songs and in effect made a fool of herself as a singer. i knw.. kara should be gven better roles in tvb. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine (VOL.1 - 42 End) ~ All Region ~ Brand New. The scene where he tore her clothes and forced himself on him, she protesting and yet you know she wants it. Well done! She is a conflicted woman. And Kara Hui proves to me I shouldnt be biased to dubbed voices. Another imperial decree, the granddaughter was canonized as the concubine of Chenjun before she passed the family. Lie on the lychee tree and make trouble. But if she loved Qiyou so much why she avoided him all her life? Basically, The Drop Dead Gorgeous Imperial Concubine, Qing Shi to describe a woman so gobsmackingly beautiful. If you do that you will miss out Yan Kuan and the amazing Kara Hui, where when theyre together, there is so much tension, so much pain, so much regret, I could have write on and on about those scenes. Ruby Lin as Ma Fu Ya / Pan Yu (Lady Yuan)Yan Kuan as Meng Qi You (Crown Prince)Wallace Huo as Liu Lian ChengTony Yang as Liu Lian XiHong Xiao Ling as Ma Xiang YunKara Hui as Du Fei Hong (Empress Du)Dai Chun Rong as Dowager GuduWang Lin as Han Chao YiWang Yu as as Meng Qi YunLiu Tao as Wen Jing Ruo (Lady Jing)Zheng Kai as Han MingMao Zi Jun as Ma Du YunLiu Zi Jiao as Liu Lian SiMiao Jun Hao as Hua Gong Gong (Eunuch Hua)Qiu Shuang as Meng Qi XingJiang Kai as Meng Zhi Xiang (Emperor)Yang Kai Chun as Yun ZhuHao Ze Jia as Du WanChen Chen as Su YaoKang Qun Zhi as Li Mu Yi (Empress of Chu)Liu Yong as Ma Yin (King of Chu)Du Jun Ze as Yi BingHao Luo Fan as Xiao Xin GanZhang Xiao Chen as Shen ZhiZhou Yi Wei as Chai RongSun Xi as Mo ChouChen Xi as Li FeiWu Xin as palace maid. I mean I hate Ma Fuya too but Ma Xiangyun is just one nasty woman. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I dont really watch a lot of her series. Like I said, I heard grumblings why Ruby Lin is the leading lady. This is a man who understands love but doesnt know how to love properly as opposed to Meng Qiyou. His ministers also left him. Her dubbed voice enhanced her performance when her real voice might irritate me and make me hate Du Fei Hong. In day-to-day routines, they perform ladylike works like sewing clothing and embroidery. Maybe in part it is Ruby Lin's fault. If it is the handsomeness of the guys, no worries, theyre all hot. In fact everybodys costume whilst lovely, their hair is a problem, especially Xiang Yuns Marge Simpson hairstyle and yet Fuya, her hairstyle is the sanest, except for the testicles hairstyle. Chinese Drama HD DVD The Legend Of The Condor Heroes 2017 English Sub Region PAL. Not that I think highly of Fuya but I just want my Liancheng to be happy. First marriage protected her from being executed with her family. What she doesnt know is, Liancheng was forced to marry Xiangyun and Xiangyun pushed Fuya down the cliff. Remember, Wallace Huo from Taiwan and not Wallace Chung from HK (TVB fans will remember his sorta debut as Kenny Bee in that autobiography (NOT) of Wynners many many years ago). You can love him for so many reasons and you can find very little reason to like him. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. You may pity her, for years she married Liancheng and he never touched her except for twice and twice also never completed the deed. Oh it hurts! Liansis baby died from poison put by Fuya but through bees released by Duyun. Her voice is dubbed, thank god, and her voice dubber gave her more emotion than she showed on screen. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Her voice has always been her biggest weakness, shrilly and high so when her voice got dubbed by a formidable voice dubber, it became a perfect merger. How come she doesnt have such a challenging role in TVB, always playing the wife, the mother, the auntie but not someone like Du Fei Hong? His own father later de-crowned him as the Crown Prince and never loved him. Wang Lin is normally a good actress but here as Han Chao Yi, she is one note. the glamorous imperial concubine recap. There is no online registration for the intro class . If he had any, none of it would be justified. In fact everyone loves Fuya except for 3 or 4 people. Competent on a good day, terribly inadequate in most and absolutely horrid on her worst day. Publicado por Por stardew valley creepypasta septiembre 22, 2021 tvistevgen ume flashback Por stardew valley creepypasta septiembre 22, 2021 tvistevgen ume flashback Rating: PG. He is the eagle prince in Bu Bu Jing Xin. But weaker doesnt mean bad. After that no more such scene, so I was like why Qiyun suddenly want to become emperor and then promptly forgot about his own suggestion? Funns assessment of both mens appearance was pretty accurate haha. At that point I was numbed by how many Ma Fuya killed by not really killing them with her own bare hands but rather with her love. Rachel Lee, Leila Tong, and more actresses were groped during filming. I cant fault her in all that. Wallace didnt hold back; the scenes he has with the actress Hong Xiaoling as ma Xiangyun were difficult to watch. If there is a reason to watch this series, Ruby Lin the actress is not the reason. Her husband makes it a point to ignore her. I thought he gave an amazing performance as the cowardly Qixing. After all these 2 were bound by their love for Liancheng. Yes Liancheng is abusive but this woman, she so craves contact with his skin that she provokes him into hitting her. But even if she didnt love Yan Kuans character, she might never have fallen for Wallaces either. HDTV is not for him in those scenes. However her character is supposed to illicit sympathy with her tragic end but I feel rather cold towards her because she made things so difficult that would have to be her end. The more you know about Lian Cheng, the more perplexed youre with him. She seems to make promises she never keeps; in fact she promised to leave Qiyou, she didnt, she promised to let Liansi have Qiyou, yeah but there is a proviso and that is her, she promised to deliver a message to Suyaos father and she did, like towards the end and because it is to her advantage. I have seen some BTS with Wallaces original voice. Voice actorHis voice was dubbed, obviously. And yes, to the hitting point. It started out rather predictable, sorta campy fun, then it became all serious and sorta good, became better in each and every episode but towards the end, just went on and on for so long, the fun is lost, the drama is gone, the story is nowhere to be seen and the ending is just up to interpretation ONLY IF you havent paid attention for the past 5 episodes or so. I would have cringed if another lesser actor portrayed this role and to see him crawl to that hated she-devil Ma Fuya begging for forgiveness, my blood boiled. I will spare you the suspense. Publicado en 88000 . Qiyous faithful eunuch Xiao Xingan dies from drinking poison given by Qixing meant for Qiyou. In this time of warring kingdoms and political upheaval, Fuya's uncle usurps the throne, and brutally wipes out her family. In the middle of the night, the inn returned to silence. He has all the right expression in every scene. Those who loves her protects her till death. Most recently happened in the Autumn ballads where they could have easily have ended it with a happy ending at episode 30 but no then they had to throw in a last minute twist on the reason why his father had been murdered which had actually been resolved before the show started and then try to solve it in four episodes. Wallace with his beautiful melancholic face certainly fits all those scenes well and gave those difficult scenes justice. Modern soul Zhou Tong wakes up in the body of 11 year old Mu Xi Yao. Voice actorHated the voice at first. I will however attempt a short brief summary, about 6 pages will be it. He is supposed to be a few years younger than Wang Lins Concubine Han but when theyre together he looks like he is at least 2 decades younger. Only Yan Kuan of all the actors I have seen can vomit blood so elegantly, so beautifully, so effectively. In short, I watched the first 2/3 parts because it was a grand production and all the guys are hotbut even the abundance of hot guys couldnt save it in the end. In fact when she died I was like good riddance. However her acting is another matter altogether. Ever seen kissing scenes? It is to me the same complex problem as posed by TVB male characters wearing jackets even in the house or the fact that female characters never let go of their handbags, ever. What better than some huge crush on your own mom eh? Qixing effectively killed himself when he ran straigh into Qiyous sword when he was charging at Qiyou. From the little we know, Du Fei Hong must have been the generals daughter, a capable woman who fought alongside her husband whom to her is a love marriage but to him a marriage of convenience. 1. Her performance was fantastic. HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 1 Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1997. Because Mao Zijun as Ma Duyun is simply not interesting enough to hold my attention. Grandpa Hua died from experimenting with poison I think, to save I believe Empress of Chu so that Fuya doesnt need to risk her life and unborn child by trying the same poison so as to find an anecdote. June 29, 2022; alpha asher by jane doe pdf; count philipp von bernstorff net worth . He studies the art of poison and did many things to help Liancheng. No explanation but I like the big fur. She is at lest 3 years older than her 2 main leads, she is probably 2 decades older than her character at the start of the series, she is not even pretty to be called Qing shi. Why he did what he did to the woman he clearly loved? Qiyun becomes emperor of Shu and marries no one we know of. Then theres Xiangyuns father who never loved his own daughter. When Fuya refused his advances, he threatened her that he will kill Qiyou if she refuses him. Also Fuya is supposed to be so damn nice that it all came across as unfeeling, unpretentious. For me Wallace Huo made my day. the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained. It feels jumpy later on, some scenes unconnected to the other and some scenes comes and go unexplained. I thought she was lovely though new in Huan Zhu Ge Ge, she was absolutely horrid in Qing Sheng Sheng Yu Mong Mong/Romance In The Rain and cant remember the rest. He is cowardly as he is scheming as he is scary as he is not very bright. I clapped at his ending; never before there has been a more justified ending for a character than that for Ma Duyun. I suppose if you must have a weird guy that is Lianxi, then you must have weird girl, Muo Chou. True but she only find that out almost at the end of Lianchengs life. The second chapel on the left contains E1 Greco's Oracin, or Christ in the Garden of Olives, showing Peter, James and John asleep in the sombre foreground with an unearthly light illuminating the angel and the . Possess eyes that could say a thousand words. Viewers look forward to Ruby Lin and Wallace Huos chemistry in Light the Night season 2. She is terribly annoying and she plays her part well. The heartbreaking reconciliation on her death bed, the pain every time he thinks in her eyes he is never good enough. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine ( Chinese: ) is a 2011 Chinese television series based on a novel of the same title by Murong Yin'er (). But the single best scene of his and THE ENTIRE SERIES has to be the scene where he is alone in his study, having drawn a picture of Concubine Mei and his mother saw what he did, rushes him and went on to scream at him, made him kneel down and vent her anger at him by repeatedly flogging him as he winced in pain. Wang Zhaojun was known as The Peacemaker. the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained. He hated Lian Chengs mother who killed his own mother years before. If she says A, son will say B. Rubys performance in itself is a travesty for the most part. The joke is she killed the man she loved. HDTV is not for him in those scenes. I am sure Wallace has his background at the back of his mind when acting in certain ways, such background not available to us viewers since the snip snip happy editing and all. Maybe because I am biased. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine Release year: 2011 In the 10th century, a Chinese princess uses her wiles to gain power and exact vengeance after her uncle seizes the throne and kills her family. In most and absolutely horrid on her death bed, the Drop Dead Gorgeous Imperial Concubine ( -! Ma Fuya too but Ma Xiangyun were difficult to watch the last of... B. Rubys performance in itself is a man who understands love but doesnt know,! 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