once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

On a spur of the moment idea, Emma combines powers with Regina to successfully deactivate the trigger. Emma restores Hook's heart, followed by a passionate kiss, and later joins a sullen Regina at the counter for drinks. He hopes to impress Violet's father with his skills, but they convince him not to change, with both Regina and Emma exemplifying how each of their first loves didn't try to be anything but themselves. After Mary Margaret is injured by Lily, who morphed into dragon form, Emma uses magic to heal her. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. After a long day, they go home. Emma and Graham head back to the station (Emma needed an ice pack to stop the facial swelling that Regina's punch gave her) where they share another kiss. After discovering Ruby lent Ashley a car, she and Henry rush to stop her from fleeing town for Boston. Emma then runs off and never returns. I will not kill innocents. He got me up and into the wheelchair. ("Going Home", "New York City Serenade"), A year later, in New York, Emma becomes accustomed to taking Henry to a fountain outside the Midtown Library and giving him a penny to make a wish, as way to cheer him up when he is upset. Hook admits to working with Cora, but offers to join forces with Emma and her team as he knows a way to get to Storybrooke. Arthur comes to check on their progress, and from Mary Margaret's suggestion about finding a method to talk to Merlin, Regina pinpoints a toadstool called the Crimson Crown that can communicate through magical barriers. Henry mentions not being able to find Snow, David, or Hook, but Emma reminds him that none of those people are real and insists that all she wants is to get better so she can finally be his mother. Mary Margaret insists that she has been framed. Tracking Henry to Neal's apartment in New York, Emma runs a laptop scan to find out where he and Violet went. Emma manages to save the Apprentice from being consumed by the darkness with her light magic. Though Regina is brought in for questioning, Emma simply doesn't see any evidence and believes she is actually changing for the better. ("The Snow Queen"), In the woods, Henry approaches Emma, but she unintentionally sends him flying back and sustaining a cut. Going by Hook's advice, Emma finally forgives her mother, recognizing that she needs to stop punishing her and she understands what happened in the past with Lily cannot be undone, but it doesn't change the good person Mary Margaret has become. Hook considers a fairy named Tinker Bell who Pan trusts and can likely get them into the camp with pixie dust. He, however, thinks she needed the rest since he hasn't seen her sleep in days. While getting a car to bring Mr. Gold to the ship, Emma asks Neal why he is helping his dad. Once he awakens, she reveals her plans for making him into the hero she needs. ONCE UPON A TIME CHARACTER EMMA SWAN WEARS A PYRRHA WAX SEAL NECKLACE THAT'S TRUE TO HER NAME. Cleo suggests she give up on finding her birth parents, pay for her crimes, and then start a new life. Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. Relieved, she and Henry hug in reconciliation. On the drive there, she crashes to the side after swerving to keep from hitting a manifestation of Ingrid. Like in the dream, the trio seek cover from it, but the storm is gone in the next instant, leaving a monster in its wake. Her grip on Killian's hand tightened that much more, and she felt him shift behind her, helping her brace herself. No matter what the cost.Emma to Gideon. After some tries, one of the keys successfully unlocks the door, to Emma's astonishment. Equally as surprising, Elsa's mother and Ingrid had another sister, Helga, who resembles Emma. Mulan quickly leaves the battle to restore Aurora's heart after Hook returns it. Hook offers her some rum and asks how she got the map to work, which Emma briefs that she just followed Pan's instructions. When the file turns up with barely anything, Emma has a meltdown. After Tinker Bell gains access into the Lost Boy encampment and everyone inside is put to sleep by Regina, neither Henry or Pan are found there. ("Breaking Glass"), After this, Emma is taken in by foster parents in Mankato who already have two sons. When Emma refuses to listen to her, Regina disguises herself as the Queen and arrives at the knighting ceremony, where she proclaims her intent to destroy them and implies only a hero like Emma can defeat her. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. After Mr. Gold teleports off the ship, Emma retreats below deck, where she is doing pull-ups, when Hook interrupts to give her an old sword that used to belong to Neal when he was a boy. Even when shown footprints collaborating with a scuffle, Emma is hesitant to readily accept it means Neal was at their camp. Emma stays behind in the hopes of seeing Hook one last time, but she is pulled back by her father. They attempt to escape, but are caught by Jefferson. As they have a picnic with their food, Emma opens up about why she came to Minnesota as Lily shares similar feelings of being invisible and unseen to the world, which causes Emma to assume the man in the car was a social worker trying to return Lily to a group home. David, Hook and Neal arrive back with the wand, courtesy of a restored Mother Superior, and Mr. Gold uses it to transfer Henry's spirit back into his original body. Hook relates how the ring is a testament to his ability to survive throughout the years, and he is giving it to her so she can survive and come back to him. Emma doesn't really mind the way Regina bosses her around or how she always seems to be so tactile around her, but theres always the unanswered question of what are they to each other? They return to the apartment when Hook returns without Henry since he allowed Emma's parents to take him. Ingrid then attempts to connect with Emma by elaborating about how she discovered of her own powers, but Emma believes Ingrid to be a lunatic who never truly loved her after all. In a world where there is only true love's magic, it holds many suprises for Emma. Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light, formerly as the Dark One or the Dark Swan, briefly as Princess Leia, and alternatively as Princess Emma, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. When fitted into her date dress, she shows her parents and Elsa. ("Where Bluebirds Fly"), At the pawnshop, Emma watches Mr. Gold use an unhatched dragon egg to awaken Mother Superior. After some snooping, Emma questions Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry's teacher, because he previously used her credit card to make a payment on a birth mother tracking site. (BOOK ONE) Elena Brea was a six-year-old orphan when she met Emma Swan, eighteen. Despite her son's reservations, Emma goes ahead with the mission, with David, Regina and Hook by her side. Then, she ushers Henry into the room to meet his new family member. Emma joins Ruby, Snow, and Regina in confronting Zelena, who unveils in a mirror that Dorothy is currently under the sleeping curse in Oz. David notices Henry inherited traits from her and Regina, who both put up walls, but believes Emma shouldn't give up on her son. It was known that the Law of Surprise could get you a great number of things. ("Lily"), Ending up in another group home in Richfield, Minnesota, Emma moves in, keeping her old camera as well as the footage of her time with Lily. Merlin believes it's unlikely, but he has hopes that such a person who is strong enough will appear in the future. From looking at one of the video stills, David figures out Cruella has Henry somewhere near the Toll Bridge. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. When she tries to take Neal into her care, an unsure Mary Margaret refuses. They are forced to hide when the Queen arrives to a nearby village where a prisoner, Marian, is hauled out. Emma admits she is still unsure if she is the person she wants to be now, but knows her belief is enough to carve out her own destiny. Mary Mary Margaret begs her not to take the same path that led to Cora's death and they can't build a future on Regina's blood. The one in which Emma Swan pushes and they all need to come to an understanding. Emma is shocked to learn Anna did know Mr. Gold, then Rumplestiltskin, though he claimed to have no knowledge of her or Elsa. Regina confronts her about what she did to Violet, and when Emma expresses anger at her unearthing the truth, the brunette considers that anything with the Dark One is always a manipulation. However, he is uneasy at the sight of Regina's apple turnover on the counter. Nimue tries to persuade Emma that only by being the Dark One can she be truly herself and insists those who try to intervene must die. Shen Qingqiu howled, but the System conveniently fell silent and didnt respond no matter how many prompts Shen Qingqiu sent. When she returns for the sword, Hook attempts to make her give it up to him. "Dad?" A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves. They use a magic bean to open a portal back to Storybrooke. Emma simply begs for mercy, so Regina attempts to force into her Savior role by kidnapping her parents. During the search, they come upon Henry practicing sword fighting. ("The Price of Gold"), During 2009, after her prison term has ended, Emma drives the yellow bug back to the Maine area where she was found as an infant twenty-six years ago. As Emma recalls, a fire broke out in her apartment in Boston, which caused her and Henry to start their lives over in New York. With some patience from Henry, the horse calms down, allowing the boy to grab its reins. Successfully, they reenter Storybrooke from within the wishing well. "You're gonna have to get ready to push. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo We arrived at the hospital in 20 minutes Emma looked like she was terrified. Pregnant Evil Queen | Regina Mills. Since he believes himself to be the Mad Hatter, she concludes that Jefferson must be in on Henry's theory. Sadly, David discloses his sustained Dreamshade wound during the fight with the Lost Boys and though he is cured, the price is staying in Neverland forever. Returning to her car, Emma steps in a puddle, which she suspects is the Snow Queen's doing. He didn't answer. At Regina's arrival, the two witches magically spar. Relating the dream she had, excluding the part where her mother died, she talks about possibly burning the names from the headstones. A few years later, after a desperate call for help from her son Henry, Emma arrives in the New Enchanted Forest and excitedly announces to her now-adult son that she and Killian are expecting their first child together. ("The Bear and the Bow"), Unable to sleep, Emma continues weaving dreamcatchers, oblivious that Hook has noticed her worrying behavior. I could still see the fear on her face. Emma and her foster family have takeout from, While Emma is "fixing" a toaster, the song she's listening to is ", After going back in time, Emma makes references to, After defeating the snow monster, Emma sarcastically asks Hook if he wants to go home and watch, Emma makes a joke about the ice cream flavor, When Ingrid tells Emma that she "can accomplish anything" by focusing enough, Emma replies, "Ingrid, that's a plastic ring; not a scholarship for, Emma's line, "You guys sure you don't want me to just wiggle my nose and get (, When Emma says goodbye to Hook before heading off to the, While taking her parents to a safer place, Emma jokingly refers to the, The segment where Emma is doing pull-ups in the, According to Emma, she has seen the 1975 movie, The lantern Mary Margaret and Emma are using to search, Swans appear several times throughout the, There is a swan-shaped fruit bowl on the table of Emma's, There is a photograph of Emma on the work desk in. ("Strange Case"), In the woods, Emma is following the red bird to the Oracle, as Archie tries to talk her into returning to therapy. She, David, Mary Margaret and Neal join forces against the two women. When Mr. Gold is close to waking from his coma, Emma kidnaps him to her house basement, where she crushes the sword over him to complete the healing spell. ("The Savior"), At the diner, Emma witnesses Regina giving a formal welcome to the Untold Stories residents that is met with approval. Having killed the Count to save David and Snow, Regina agonizes over what she did, but Emma offers support by saying she didn't have a choice since the Queen put her in that situation. Emma looks at the art scrawls on the wall and is surprised that Neal liked drawing. Not wanting the dream's end to come true, Emma protests when Snow insists on going with her, but she is unable to keep her from coming. Mary Margaret snaps a photo of her, to which Emma jokes that she needs to find her own apartment. ("Changelings"), With the sword, Emma, Regina, and Hook head to the vault, in the hopes of learning more about the weapon, but they run into the Queen at Robin's grave. When Cora has to choose between Regina or the dagger, she picks the weapon. By the time Mr. Gold and Belle bring a captured Merida back, Emma is already waiting for them in the basement. He is trying to get here as fast as he can.". Overwhelmed by using magic, and realizing it's causing her skin to turn scaly, Emma kisses Hook, who senses something amiss. Later, she is asked out by Neal for lunch tomorrow. By chance, Mary Margaret offers Emma a spare room in her apartment. Suddenly, Robin Hood approaches, introducing Marian to Regina, so the three of them can talk. Knowing Hook is on his daughter's mind, David persuades her that Killian is doing the same for her wherever he is. Please read the tags. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. When I walked back out I handed him the cup and sat back down but only for a few minutes because then I felt the urge to get sick so I ran back into the bathroom and did. Having heard about Emma and how she forced Violet to break Henry's heart, Zelena recalls knowing what it's like to be betrayed by a mother and being angry about it for a long time. The Blue Fairy hears this wish and grants it by causing everyone to sing. ("Ariel"), In Neal's plan to get everyone off the island after they rescue Henry, they must capture Pan's shadow at Dark Hollow by using the coconut halves. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. Hook catches up and hands Emma the book to show her the family she will be leaving behind. However, the only one without any regrets is Regina since each one of her deeds led her to Henry. To her annoyance, Sidney admits to having abducted Kathryn in the hopes he might obtain his editor job back. Despite that Regina pushes her to stay out of the situation, Emma ignores her advice and she, along with Mary Margaret and Graham, look over security tapes in the hospital from last night, which show John Doe getting up and walking out the back exit into the forest. Emma, insisting she should be nearby if something goes wrong, follows Maleficent and Regina as they head to an unknown location. Emma offers Mary Margaret the option of taking her car and leaving for Boston or going back to the jail. Hopeful of swaying Mr. Gold to their side, Belle breaks into the farmhouse cellar while Emma, David and Tinker Bell stand guard outside. At home, Emma packs up Hook's belongings into a chest and longingly looks at one of his rings adorned on a necklace. Henry makes an unexpected visit in tears as he tells them Archie called his fairytale theories delusional. "Dad." Robin Hood, spotting the truck near his camp, informs Emma, to which Hook and Regina also join in the investigation. After some playful banter, she pushes Hook into a long, passionate kiss, but pushes away stating it's a one time thing. so far nobody had. The magic of childbirth (literally) and anotomical and cultural differences. They set sail as soon as a portal opens from the last magic bean. According to Jennifer, there is an old fairy-tale that she has been using as a reference for Dark Swan, "The Queen and the Murderer", which sort of parallels Emma's journey. In a risky move, she calm Emma's magic by linking hands with her. I know you can do it." Led on by Mr. Gold, Emma challenges Regina with the town charter rules, which state a mayor can only support a candidate and not instate one. Feeling betrayed, Emma sets off to confront Regina, only for David and Mary to give caution for their daughter. She puts the book away after getting misty-eyed over the photo, but then, the book magically flips open to Hades' story, causing her to realize Hook put it there. Emma answers another phone call from David asking her to be on watch for Greg, who is trying to escape the building. Before beginning slowing down the trigger, Regina warns that she won't be making it out alive and asks Emma to tell Henry she died a hero. Faced with the Chernabog, Emma and Regina stun it with magic. Strangely, the Snow Queen, out of recognition, calls Emma by name. While there, Hook pulls out a urn, from a cabinet, which Emma chides him for touching as it might be dangerous. Just a some good old Swan Mills family fluff." Okay maybe Darkish!Regina (DarkGray!Regina), Companion piece to Incoming Messages: After two years of marriage, Regina has some big news for Emma, Just when you didn't think it would get more cracky.Were going to have another baby? Thorin asked, still looking more than a fair bit stunned. However, Emma attests it was worth it since she got to be his mother and find her family. The grown-up Gideon, actually the cloaked figure in her vision, disarms Emma in a duel, with her arriving friends and family being frozen by Gideon. Later, Emma holds the ring Hook gave her, while still grieving over him when she hears the dagger's call. Mr. Gold then professes to no knowledge about Elsa, Anna or that someone was in the urn. While browsing Merlin's tower, Emma confronts Regina for taking her role without her consent, but Regina explains her motives for doing what she did and promises Emma that she will free her of darkness with Merlin's help once they unseal him from the tree. ("Welcome to Storybrooke"), Emma sees David is making yet another breakfast tray for Mary Margaret, who is still in bed since the aftermath of Cora's death. When he claims his life sucks, Emma explains her own sob story of being abandoned many times. She then convinces her mother that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. Devin rejects their offer since he doesn't want to go home. Despite that they both want to finally be with their daughter, they ultimately decide not to interfere in Emma's life because if they take her now, she'll never grow up to break the curse and free everyone from it. The white ethereal inspired gown worn by Emma in, According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma's sense of style changed in. Though Emma wants to go after him, David insists they stay on track. Reminders of OutlawQueen. As they travel to the stones, Merida tells Emma about going to save her kidnapped brothers, and her desire to wage war with the clans if necessary. Emma sees reason in Tinker Bell's words, and recalls what Neal once taught her that it is "unwise to break into a place without knowing the way out." Emma doesn't mind; stating that she won't need it after returning to New York. In this story, we see what might have happened if Hook had been able to leave with Emma when she escaped Pan's curse. Henry reveals to his family that he found the Author's quill in the mansion and wanted to use it to revive Cruella because he wanted to absolve Emma's guilt over her death. Hook is appalled at this, to which she exemplifies Mr. Gold, who used to be a coward and didn't find true love until becoming the Dark One. Rather than condemn the witch to death, Regina spares her sister's life and imprisons her in a jail cell. a half hour later and Emma was ready to push "Emma you are at 10 centimeters, you have to push." Since Merlin's message stated Nimue is their only hope of defeating Hook, Mr. Gold suggests researching The Dark One Chronicles to learn more about Nimue. Regina argues the women are villains, but they deserve second chances like herself, which Emma agrees with. Borrowing magical disguises from Rumplestiltskin, they present themselves as Princess Leia and Prince Charles to blend in the castle. Emma tries to convince Henry that the reason David got lost a few nights back by the Toll Bridge is due to amnesia. When she doesn't answer, Hook notes she is not the old Emma, as the person he knew didn't play games. The group is made aware that even though they are trying to rescue Henry, he himself doesn't know his family is coming. She questioned if it was all just a dream but the bed was unmade so he must have been there. ("Siege Perilous"), While in her home basement, Emma twirls a middlemist rose in her hand, while an imprisoned Mr. Gold tries to sympathize with her about knowing what the darkness feels like. An afternoon in the apple orchards with Ruby/Belle and Emma/Regina and their daughters - carefree and happy family times ensue filled with nothing but bantering and a lot of fluff.

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