lithuanian goddess names

Auseklis is the Latvian star god, and male. Many legendary characters have more than one name. Sculpture of the goddess Jrat in the Lithuanian village of Jurata. He also rules over the realm of the dead. Jonaitis Lithuanian From the given name Jonas 1. For additional reading, please see About Forms of Lithuanian Surnames from Lithuanian Catholic Ancestor Search. Popular Lithuanian Baby Names For Boys 1. A very popular name even today, Milda is the Lithuanian goddess of love and freedom (any takers for Giltine as a baby name? Sculpture Egl the Queen of Serpents by Robertas Antinis in Palanga, Lithuania Image by GraceKelly. In Lithuanian mythology this was the name of the goddess of fire and the home. To read more about the history of surnames, see the article Lithuanian Names. The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste or family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition. He is also associated with the oak tree. For example, if your Lithuanian ancestors name was Jan Jankauskas, you may find his name recorded as: When entering the names of your Lithuanian ancestors into your family tree, it's common practice to convert the Latinized/Polonized versions of the name back to the Lithuanian forms. Names from Lithuanian mythology: A Aitvaras, Alka, Aspelenie, Avieniai, Asvinia, Asviniai, Ausrine, Aurin, Austeja, Austja, Austerine Names from Lithuanian mythology: B Eine Slawische Une Baltische Erdgottheit". These are the most interesting and most well-known myths from the Baltic countries of Lithuania and Latvia. In modern Lithuanian music polytheistic rituals and sutartins songs were source of inspiration for Bronius Kutaviius. And bake a pie with no utensils. The cosmogonic myths of celestial bodies: Vaida Kamuntaviien (2015). This morbid figure collects her death poison by roaming graveyards and licking corpses with her serpentine tongue. Immigrants often changed their surnames to sound more American. The Pomesanian statute book of 1340, the earliest attested document of the customary law of the Balts, as well as the works of Dietrich of Nieheim (Cronica) and Sebastian Mnster (Cosmographia). However, modern historians have accused Narbutt of falsifying historical facts and reporting speculations. Popular Female Goddess Names Yngvi - "Ancestor" Irene - "Peace" Onuphrius - "happy" Nereus - "Water" Anubis - "Royal child" Nike - "Victory" Diana - "Divine" Gudrun - "God's secret lore" Helios - "Sun" Odin - "Inspiration" Andromeda - "Be mindful of a man" Althea - "Healing" What are some of the cutest female goddess names? As well as modern names, parents can choose a name or names for their child from a long list of traditional names; these include: Christian names, i.e. Known as Perkons in Latvia, Perkunas in Lithuania and Perkuns in Prussia, the formidable thunder god is one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon. [3][4], When the Prussian Crusade and Lithuanian Crusade started, more first-hand knowledge about beliefs of Balts were recorded, but these records were mixed with propaganda about "infidels". For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists: Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S. Egls twelve brothers call on the Grass Snake Prince, and kill him with scythes when he emerges from the water. Gods and goddesses, spirits and creatures were all associated with natural elements and events. Any male children born to the couple would take on the name Rudzeviit if female, and Rudzeviius if male. Known by a whole host of names, the Aitvaras is a nature spirit in Baltic mythology. without associated rituals. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Early Lithuanian religion and customs were based on oral tradition. Zemyna Jonas - the most common boy's name in Lithuania, it is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan. They are related to Sanskrit va and Avestan asp (from Indo-Iranian *aua), and to Old Lithuanian ava, all sharing the meaning of "mare". 1584 Prussian depiction of the gods Perkunas, Potrimpo, and Peckols. "Lietuvi ems deivs vardai" [The Lithuanian names of the Goddess of the Earth]. [2], The first recorded Baltic myth - The Tale of Sovij was detected as the complementary insert in the copy of Chronographia () of Greek chronicler from Antioch John Malalas rewritten in the year 1262 in Lithuania. Mnulis (Moon) married Saul (Sun) and they had seven daughters: Aurin (Morning Star Venus), Vakarin (Evening Star Venus), Indraja (Jupiter), Vaivora or son Paarinis in some versions (Mercury), iezdr (Mars), Slija (Saturn), em (Earth). Imbolc - Feb 2nd Ostara - Mar 21st/22nd Beltane - April 30th/May 1st Lithia - June 21st/22nd Lammas - July 31st/Aug 1st Mabon - Sept 21st/22nd Samhain - Oct 31st Yule - Dec 21st/22nd The Next Sabbat is: Ostara in 38 days. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In a final act of magic, Egl transforms herself into a spruce. Polish-Lithuanian historian Theodor Narbutt wrote the ten-volume work History of the Lithuanian Nation (Dzieje staroytne narodu litewskiego) between 1835 and 1841. Southern Hemisphere Dates Solstices & Equinoxes 2023 Solstices and Equinoxes Spring Equinox: 20th Mar 22:45 [41], Laima (from Lithuanian: lemti 'to destine') or Laim is the destiny-giver goddess. We cant imagine a better way to learn about it than through traveling so thats what were doing. Robert . Aarya. When she gets out and puts on her clothes, she finds a grass snake in the sleeve of her blouse. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. She tries to shake it off, but it speaks to her in a human voice, insisting she marry it in exchange for leaving. Very cool. A personal name, like in most European cultures, consists of two main elements: the given name (vardas) followed by family name (pavard). 3. Her name is derived from Lithuanian: gaubti to cover, to protect. [22][23], Dievo sneliai (the "sons of Dievas") Avieniai, pulling the carriage of Saul (the Sun) through the sky. Bakshis Bakshish is a popular Lithuanian name meaning 'fighter' or 'boxer'. According to the historian Linda J. Ivantis, goddess Lada was born in the ancient Neolithic times and was a part of the hunting culture. Quite an occupation for a goddess. [12], The pantheon of Lithuania was formed during thousands of years by merging pre-Indo-European and Indo-European traditions. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Therefore, the very first records about Lithuanian mythology and beliefs were made by travellers, Christian missionaries, chronicle writers and historians. Many scholars preferred to write their own reconstructions of Lithuanian mythology, based also on historical, archaeological, and ethnographic data. She's depicted as a beautiful, and sometimes nude, woman with a chariot pulled by doves as her favourite mode of transportation. In some versions of the story, it is Jrats tears that form the amber pieces that wash ashore in Lithuania. If the daughter married a man with the surname of Rudzeviius, her married name would become Rudzeviien. 2. In the Bible, Noah was the second progenitor of the human race. Shes always been important though, and often, other Latvian goddesses are considered her assistants, or different versions of Mara. [7], Enea Silvio Bartolomeo Piccolomini, who later became the Pope Pius II, in the section de Europa of his book Historia rerum ubique gestarum, cited Jerome of Prague, who attested Lithuanians worshiping the Sun and the iron hammer which was used to free the Sun from the tower. 2. In addition, many sources list many different names and different spellings, thus sometimes it is not clear if they are referring to the same thing. 19. She is depicted as a young woman or a she-wolf, and runs with a pack of wolves around her. An earth goddess, at times she has been the deification of the earth, and at others simply the goddess of milk production. Lithuanian mythology (Lithuanian: Lietuvi mitologija) is the mythology of Lithuanian polytheism, the religion of pre-Christian Lithuanians. Almost all Lithuanian female names end in the vowels -a or -. For example, the surname. Indigenous Religions The manuscript was written in German in the 16th century. More than these roles, though, Raganos are sages, seers and deities of the forest depths. She then turns her three sons into mighty trees, an oak, an ash, and a birch tree. Judra - from judri (nimble) Jumpyra - name of the Lithuanian lagoon goddess Junda - name of the Lithuanian war goddess Jurgina - from jurginas (dahlia) Jra - meaning "sea" Jrat - from jra; Lithuanian goddess of sea and undins (mermaids) 165 notes, Reblogged from lordofserpentsandreeds, Tags: #mine#names#female names#etymology Hestia (Greek origin) It means fireside. Parade belt of an officer of the Lithuanian Army, decorated with altys ornaments. Find The Beautiful, Rare, Stylish, Most Popular, Top & Unique Baby Names, The Largest Collections Of 202 Unique lithuanian Baby Names - Angelsname Amber honors Jurate, the Lithuanian Goddess of the Sea, known for her Amber palace beneath the Baltic Sea and her story of tragic love. The earliest written sources, authored by foreigners and Christians, only briefly mention the Lithuanian gods. The third period began with the growing influence of Christianity and the activity of the Jesuits, roughly since the end of the 16th century. I'm a maths tutor and a mechanical engineering student with a long time-interest in history. This list is frequently updated we are constantly discovering more names! The Baltic god of thunder, we already know a bit about Perknas namely, that he has the authority and might to punish the moon for his infidelity. Simon Grunau was the author of Preussische Chronik, written sometime between 1517 and 1529. [32], Medeina the goddess of forest and hunting. Among the Lithuanian population of Ostrovetschina in Belorussia, Aitvaras was known as Skalsininkas, Kutas, Hutas, less frequently as Shkutas, Sporizhyus, Porizhyus, Domovikas. Natural phenomena were almost all categorized as gods and goddesses in the Baltic, but thunder and lightning would seem to historic peoples to be the most authoritative phenomenon. Ragana can appear as a beautiful woman, a frightening creature or even an animal. After a few generations, these names became hereditary and were passed on from generation to generation. Saul rides through the sky every day in a chariot pulled by tireless horses. It became main source for research of Prussian mythology and one of the main sources of Lithuanian mythology researchers and reconstructors. French theologian and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Pierre d'Ailly mentions the Sun (Saul) as one of the most important Lithuanian gods, which rejuvenates the world as its spirit. LIUDVIKA : Feminine form of Lithuanian Liudvikas, meaning "famous warrior." MARIJONA : Feminine form of Lithuanian Marijus , meaning "like Marius ." 12th century Muslim geographer al-Idrisi in The Book of Roger mentioned Balts as worshipers of Holy Fire and their flourishing city Madsun (Mdshn, Mrsunh, Marsna). The astronomy of Lithuanians is based on the Moon calendar. Lithuania - Names, Personal - Dictionaries,, Protector of the forests, Medeina is a virginal goddess. Algimanta It is an apt name for your daughter as it means 'wealthy.' It is one of the perfect Lithuanian names in English. It might just be an epithet of the supreme god - Dievas. It closely relates to other thunder gods in many Indo-European mythologies: Vedic Parjanya, Celtic Taranis, Germanic Thor, Slavic Perun. Lina Lina is a name derived from the Lithuanian word "flax." It doesn't have an English form, but it is a feminine form of the word Linas. First though, he instructs them all on how to call him from the sea, and swears them to secrecy. You can use the Forms of Lithuanian Surnames converter to easily determine the married/unmarried female forms of names. In Lithuanian mythology, goddess of the darkness and one of the three goddesses that ruled the passing hours, along with Austrine (dawn) and Zleja (midday). Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. There are some popular names of gods and goddesses from Lithuanian mythology that are used as personal names, such as Laima, goddess of luck, emyna, goddess of earth, Gabija, goddess of fire; ilvinas, a serpent prince from the fairy tale Egl the Queen of Serpents, Jrat, goddess of the sea, and Kastytis, from the legend about Jrat and These names are simply transliterated Polonized Lithuanian names. Its also often alight, with either its head or even its whole body covered in flames. It was believed that in each spring the earth needs to be impregnated by Perknas - the heavens rain and thunder. This list of names from Lithuanian mythology compiled by the data dwarves at The symbols [ ] enclose the author's name and a page number for a reference cited from the following books: [Ahsian, pp.] It contains descriptions and mentionings of Lithuanian holy groves and sacrificial places alkas. [20][21] Perknas is the assistant and executor of Dievas's will. The cults of old deities transformed into folklore (individual tales, myths, songs, etc.) [47] First mentioned in a 1262 copy of Chronographia () of John Malalas as Teliavel. This incredible 2 Oz Silver coin depicts the wife and sister of Osiris, mother of Horus and a symbol of strength and femininity: the Egyptian Goddess Isis. So, lets jump into the top dogs (read: gods) in the Baltic pantheon, along with some of the fascinating mythical creatures from the region. This 18-page treatise contained a lists of 76 Lithuanian gods with brief description of their functions. If you know any myths, legends, folktales or god-myths that should be added, let us know! On the other hand, if a surname was long, complicated and/or difficult to pronounce, an ending may have been changed or removed to make it shorter. Bit of an unfair trade, but eventually the distraught young woman accepts. It relates to Thracian Zemele (mother earth), Greek Semel (). Folktales, and folk songs in particular, remain a very important part of Latvian and Lithuanian culture and literature today. 18. Galeti - An old Lithuanian name meaning 'one who is able'. If the surname was a patronymic surname (typically ending it -aitis; -aviius; -eviius and meaning "son of") the immigrant may continue that tradition. A number of gods in the Baltic pantheon have authority over death. For example: Most of the time the surname spelling changed to accommodate the. Jankauskas Lithuanian Lithuanian form of Janowski. In Russian language records, names were replaced with the Polish language equivalents, but then transliterated into the Cyrillic alphabet. Origin: Ancient Greek name. Inconsolable over the death of her beloved, the serpent queen whispers an enchantment, and turns her daughter, who betrayed them through her fear, into a quaking aspen. A cunning little shapeshifter, its own form is serpentine, like a little dragon. Perhaps the most important goddess in the Latvian pantheon is Mara. Biblical names or saint's names. A young fisherman, Kastytis, begins to disturb the peace of her domain, catching too many fish on the coast. [44] Was worshipped by fishermen and seamen.[45][46]. In the beginning of the 20th century Micha Pius Rmer noted - "Lithuanian folklore culture having its sources in heathenism is in complete concord with Christianity". emyna personifies the fertile earth and nourishes all life on earth, human, plant, and animal. Mikinis, Girinis God of the forest. On the other hand, wives and daughters will take upon the root of their father's surname with different suffixes depending upon their marital status. Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. Jonas - the most common boy's name in Lithuania, it is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan. Lithuanian Baby Girl Names 1. Missosology is the number 1 pageant-related community forum today that covers Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss Supranational, Miss International, Miss Earth and many other local and global pageants. If a masculine name ending in -a has a feminine counterpart, it ends in -, e.g. Welcome to our blog! Benas m Lithuanian Short form of Benediktas or Benjaminas. I suppose a god running across the sky wouldnt be quite as impactful and noble as a carriage ride. The Livonian Rhymed Chronicle, which covers the period 1180 1343, contains records about ethical codex of the Lithuanians and the Baltic people. When they finally see Egl again, her family doesnt want to let her go. 3. Usually peacefully disguised as a rooster when in the home, they steal grain and supplies from other households. Origin: Gender-neutral name of Greek origin. I would love to expand on this list, and learn about more unique creatures and stories that give us some insight into their society and culture. The Baltic witch, Raganos, has quite a number of roles in nature. the expression austi korius 'to weave honeycombs;' Jrat from the name of an old Lithuanian mythological . It is short, cute, and suitable for a pretty baby girl. Names of figures that were more marginal in Lithuanian mythology or less known from existing sources are put here. Its not quite as popular). Mnuo, the Moon, a son of God ("dievaitis"). In Lithuanian fairy-tales recorded much later, there is very frequent opposition of kalvis ('smith') and velnias ('devil'). Neuri were mentioned by Roman geographer Pomponius Mela. Surnames developed from several sources. or 4 interest-free payments on orders over $100 with . Konstantinas - is a philosophical Lithuanian name that means 'constant'. Researchers suggests that she and vrin (vorn) could have been worshipped as the same goddess. Jrat decides to punish him, but when she sees the young mortal man, she falls instantly in love. 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